The Billboard Hot Rock & Alternative Songs chart, launched on June 20, 2009, ranks the most popular rock and alternative songs in the U.S. Initially named Hot Rock Songs, it was renamed in June 2020 to reflect a broader range of music within these genres. The chart's rankings are based on a combination of radio airplay, sales, and streaming data. The first number-one song was "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day. The chart is a key reference for tracking the popularity of rock and alternative songs, with artists like Imagine Dragons and Twenty One Pilots frequently topping it. The renaming highlights its commitment to representing evolving music trends.
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This chart has data only in the United States, classified and compiled by Billboard/Eldridge/Nielsen/Luminate, for the dated chart (October 5th, 2024)
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Spotify Playlist:…
Billboard Rock/Alternative Songs of (October 5th, 2024) | Top 50 Songs Of The Week In The USA
05:01 1) #BillieEilish | #BirdsOfAFeather
04:55 2) #Hozier | #TooSweet
04:49 3) #ZachBryan | #PinkSkies
04:43 4) #ZachBryan #KaceyMusgraves | #IRememberEverything
04:37 5) #ZachBryan | #28
04:31 6) #MylesSmith | #Stargazing
04:25 7) #BillieEilish | #Wildflower
04:19 8) #GigiPerez | #SailorSong
04:13 9) #LinkinPark | #TheEmptinessMachine
04:07 10) #mgk #JellyRoll | #LonelyRoad
04:01 11) #GooGooDolls | #Iris
03:55 12) #BillieEilish | #Lunch
03:49 13) #BillieEilish | #Chihiro
03:43 14) #TheMarias | #NoOneNoticed
03:37 15) #SurfCurse | #Disco
03:31 16) #AlexWarren | #CarryYouHome
03:25 17) #Clairo | #Juna
03:19 18) #GoodNeighbours | #Home
03:13 19) #LinkinPark | #HeavyIsTheCrown
03:07 20) #TheRedClayStrays | #WannaBeLoved
03:01 21) #ZachBryan | #AmericanNights
02:55 22) #TreatyOakRevival | #HappyFace
02:49 23) #BillieEilish | #LamourdeMaVie
02:43 24) #Coldplay #LittleSimz #BurnaBoy #Elyanna #TINI | #WePray
02:37 25) #BaykerBlankenship | #MaxedOut
02:31 26) #MaxMcNown | #ALotMoreFree
02:25 27) #BillieEilish | #TheGreatest
02:19 28) #BonIver | #SPEYSIDE
02:13 29) #JellyRoll | #Liar
02:07 30) #RoyelOtis | #LingerSiriusXMSession
02:01 31) #BillieEilish | #Blue
01:55 32) #ZachBryan #JohnMayer | #BetterDays
01:49 33) #BillieEilish | #Skinny
01:43 34) #ZachBryan #BruceSpringsteen | #Sandpaper
01:37 35) #ZachBryan | #TheWayBack
01:31 36) #BloodOrange | #ChampagneCoast
01:25 37) #ZachBryan | #BassBoat
01:19 38) #ZachBryan | #OakIsland
01:13 39) #Jordana #TVGirl | #BetterInTheDark
01:07 40) #Halsey | #Ego
01:01 41) #FallingInReverse #JellyRoll | #AllMyLife
00:55 42) #NoahKahan | #NewPerspective
00:49 43) #TheDare | #Girls
00:43 44) #WaylonWyatt | #ArkansasDiamond
00:37 45) #MylesSmith | #WaitForYou
00:31 46) #BillieEilish | #TheDiner
00:25 47) #JellyRoll | #GetBy
00:19 48) #EvanHoner #JuliaDigrazia | #JerseyGiant
00:13 49) #Clairo | #SexyToSomeone
00:07 50) #LizzyMcAlpine | #PushingItDownAndPraying
12) Numb | Linkin Park
14) I Like The Way You Kiss Me | Artemas
15) In The End | Linkin Park
22) One Step Closer | Linkin Park
26) Faint | Linkin Park
29) Misses | Dominic Fike
47) All My Life | Falling In Reverse & Jelly Roll