🚨Discount link for platform transaction application for ITIN👉 bit.ly/fiverer (transaction guaranteed)
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(Discount code: xiaolang) You can get a discount of $50
=======💡Mention information💡======
💡U.S. Taxation Service IRS instructions on W7 form: www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/iw7.pdf
💡Publication p1915 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service: www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1915.pdf
🚨The URL mentioned in the video👉👉👉mr41.com👈👈👈
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00:00 Introduction
00:33 What is ITIN? What's the difference between yes and no?
01:49 After applying for itin, will the tax rate paid be different from before?
04:03 After obtaining ITIN, do I need to pay tax on each e-commerce income?
05:08 The tax rate is the same, why should I apply for an ITIN?
06:55 After applying for itin, how to maintain and update itin?
07:42 Are there any disadvantages to ITIN? Will it affect my visa?
08:45 Benefits of ITIN
11:03 How to apply for ITIN
13:30 Register for the online IRS tax filing tool
13:48 The trading platform is looking for reliable agents to apply for ITIN
14:46 US company registration + EIN + ITIN one-time full service
#ITINCard application
#EIN processing