(if possible, please donate through here because YouTube Superchat takes 30% of the money! If you donate using this link, I keep 100% of the tip)
1) No homophobia, transphobia, racism, harsh bullying, threats, etc
2) No NSFW or obscene content
3) No spamming
4) English only
5) Just try to be generally nice to your fellow viewers
List of all commands:…
Channel Points System:
Pumkoins are the currency of my live streams!
You can earn by pumkoins in 4 ways!
1) First:
Be the first person in chat and type !first and you will get pumkoins
2) Chat Activity:
When typing in chat, you earn pumkoins every minute!
3) Chat Games:
Every 5-10 minutes, @DashBot4 will send a message in chat with a game. If you are the first person to win the game, you will win pumkoins!
4) Donations:
$1 USD Superchat (it converts any currency to USD automatically) = 400 pumkoins
When tipping through $1 USD = 500 pumkoins
Pumkoins Commands:
!pumkoins: Tells you how many pumkoins you have
!topPumkoins: Gives you the top 5 richest viewers (in pumkoins)
You can redeem these fun things with your pumkoins:
!redeem hydrate (600): I drink water.
!redeem mouse (999): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse
!redeem FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound.
!redeem creeper (750): plays a creeper sound.
!redeem namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my survival world.
!redeem nameitem (5000): Name an item in my survival world.
!redeem duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft.
!redeem void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.
Do !first in chat to tell everyone that you were the first to the stream!
Do !firsttop in chat to see the leaderboard of those who have been first to the stream the most!
Hall of Fame Store:
To redeem something from the hall of fame, you need 168 hours of watchtime. Do !watchtime to find out how many hours you have!
Use this spreadsheet to find out what is considered a small, medium, large, or HUGE item.
Small, medium, large and huge items can be placed as a block or in an item frame (item frame is free)
!redeem smallitem (5000): redeems a small item for your HoF plot
!redeem mediumitem (10000): redeems a medium item for your HoF plot
!redeem largeitem (25000): redeems a large item for your HoF plot
!redeem hugeitem (100000): redeems a HUGE item for your HoF plot
These rewards are for an armor stand in your plot! When you redeem a tool or item from the following commands, you will be given an armor stand in your plot! You must start with leather armor or wooden tools and upgrade them to better tiers of armor.
!redeem leatherarmor (5000): redeems a piece of leather armor for the armor stand in your HoF plot
!redeem woodtool (5000): redeems a wood tool for your armor stand in your HoF plot
!redeem upgrade (5000): upgrade a tool or piece of leather armor for your armor stand in your HoF plot
!redeem enchant (5000): enchant an armor piece or tool of your choice for your armor stand in your HoF plot
!redeem armortrim (10000): choose a piece of armor and armor trim type for the armor on your armor stand in your HoF plot
!redeem armorstandpose (10000): choose a new pose for the armor stand in your HoF plot
Watch all my livestreams no longer live! • psychopath plays survival minecraft LIVE
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