Winning a Squads Fortnite Reload Victory Royale (with my friends, among them an obvious yapper is present) within Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 Lawless Dill with It. Please note that any music song audios featured in this video are not my own and were produced by someone else not involving me within the music song's production at all. #nostalgia #chapter1 #reload #fortnitereload #squads #reload #fortnitereload #victoryroyale #fortnite #cooked #cooking #midas #ghostmidas #ripmidas #yap #whatisbroyappingabout #broisyapping #brothinksheshim #broisnothim #twinmag #twinmagsmg #blinkmag #blinkmagsmg #zeropoint #zeropointeffect #50bomb #50elims