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Garou MotW : Atsuro vs Yukiharu (2016/9/25) [Part 1]

This is part of the long standing "Atsu house" or アツ邸 series of battles; which as far as I know is that good old place where several players gather and do endurance gaming sessions accompanied with a nice spoonful of drinks and food.

The website for this series is here : http://atsumowblog.sblo.jp

The first player is Atsuro with Dong and the second one Yukiharu with Kevin.

Original upload by nico user ハル

Part 2 :    • Garou MotW : Atsuro vs Yukiharu (2016...  

Title : 【2016】餓狼MOW・アツ邸対戦会 155【09/24】

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30164635

Description : ・アツロー(ドンファン)vs ユキハル(ケビン)

part2 ⇒ sm30255038


1P側 ⇒ アツロー(ドンファン)

2P側 ⇒ ユキハル(ケビン)

