KODahr is the 76th Surah of the Quran. It has 31 verses and 2 Rukus. In Surat Al-Insan there are 243 words and 1087 letters.
THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم) SAID:-
#surahdahr #surahinsan #sudais
Sūrat al-Insān (Arabic: سورة الإنسان, “Human”, “Man”) or Sūrat ad-Dahr (سورة الدهر) is the 76th chapter (sura) of the Quran with 31 verses (ayat).[1]
surah dahr ki tilawat
surah dahr urdu translation
surah dahr ki fazilat
surah dahr mishary
surah dahr shuraim
surah dahr sudais
surah ad-dahr
surah insan shuraim
surah 77 shuraim
surah insan sudais
surah dahr beautiful recitation
hal ata alal insani beautiful voice
سورة الإنسان
1. #SurahDahar - A hashtag for sharing thoughts, reflections, and insights on Surah Dahar (also known as Surah Ad-Dahr or Surah Al-Insan).
Keywords: Islam, Quran, Surah Dahar, Ad-Dahr, Al-Insan
2. #QuranicReflections - A hashtag for sharing personal reflections and thoughts on the Quran, including Surah Dahar.
Keywords: Quran, Reflections, Islam, Spirituality
3. #IslamicInspiration - A hashtag for sharing inspirational quotes, verses, and stories from Islam, including Surah Dahar.
Keywords: Islam, Inspiration, Quran, Motivation
4. #SurahOfTheWeek - A hashtag for highlighting a specific surah each week, including Surah Dahar.
Keywords: Quran, Surah, Islam, Study
5. #MuslimCommunity - A hashtag for connecting with and sharing content related to the Muslim community, including discussions on Surah Dahar.
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Community, Quran
Here is a general copyright disclaimer:
"Copyright Disclaimer:
The Quranic recitation (Tilawat) shared here is for educational and spiritual purposes only. The Quran is the property of Allah (SWT) and its recitation is a gift from Him to humanity. The recitation is rendered by [name of reciter] and is used here with permission. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this recitation without explicit permission is strictly prohibited. If you are the copyright owner and have concerns, please contact us."
Or, alternatively:
"All rights reserved. The Quranic recitation (Tilawat) shared here is for personal and spiritual growth only. No part of this recitation may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, except for fair use in criticism, review, research, or education. If you are the copyright owner and have concerns, please contact us."
Please note that the Quran itself is not copyrighted, but specific recitations or interpretations may be copyrighted by their respective owners.