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HEY EVERYBODY!! Today me and Kensley were special guests on the dream besties experience! We got let in by security dad, who led us over to reporter dad. We told him how excited we were to meet all the dream besties! Before we could go on the show we had to go over to our friend fashion dad. Fashion dad helped us get looking like our favorite dream besties. We spun the wheel to see which dream bestie we were going to do first and we got Brooklyn! After getting styled from fashion dad we went to get our outfits done so that we could look like Brooklyn before we did our show on stage. Director dad came out and made sure that everything on the stage was ready for the show. He checked with film dad to make sure the cameras were ready and we hit the stage! Me and Kensley hit our dance and not to brag, but WE DID SO GOOD!! After the dance we went back to reporter dad and got a follow up interview. We aren't done yet! We got to spin the wheel three more times and do a performance for each of the dream besties! Let me know which dream bestie was your favorite!!
Parents, Barbie Dream Besties line is available at Target, Walmart, and Amazon.
my last video - NAVEY'S PRiNCESS BDAY PARTY!! Fairy Adley and Mom make Birthday Princesses out of Navey & Friends
my dad's last video - HAPPY 4th BiRTHDAY NAVEY!! Princess Jump Castle and Present Hide n Seek! Navey's bday cake & party
• HAPPY 4th BiRTHDAY NAVEY!! Princess J...
A for Adley Shorts - / @aforadleyshorts
Best Day Ever Shorts - / @bestdayevershorts
G for Gaming - / @gforgaming
Spacestation Animation - / @spacestationanimation
Bye vlog pshhhhh