ADLEY dress up as..... ADLEY???
JOIN THE FAM - / @gforgaming
HEY EVERYBODY!! That's right! You saw correctly, we are back with another brand new episode of your absolute favorite G for Gaming! And it's not just any other G for Gaming, we are back with our FAVORITE Roblox game, Dress to Impress! Today we got Adley and Mom & Dad together to play some super silly and wacky themes on Dress to Impress. But this was Jenny's second time playing, so we had to show her how to play the game right!
We had so many funny and weird themes this episode it was probably a crazy time for Jenny to learn how to play even though she was finding all sorts of glitches in Dress to Impress that were making it harder for her to join and design her outfit in time! Before Mom showed up, it was just Adley and Shaun playing! First we had to do an Emo theme! So we dressed all dark and emotional like we were going on Warped Tour! Adley did so good that she made podium for the Emo theme! After that we had to do fast food themes! So since Adley has red hair she decided to do Wendy from Wendy's! Shaun did... Ronald McDonald from McDonald's! We tried our best and someone even did a weird Chick-Fil-A outfit but Shaun's Ronald McDonald made the podium!! After that was when Mom joined us for her second time ever playing Dress to Impress! Eventually we decided it was time to do our own custom theme so first we did A for Adley as the theme! Luckily, Adley knows herself really well and made herself look exactly like... well herself! Adley even got first place on the podium for her costume of herself! Go figure! After that, we did a custom Rainbow Ghost theme and all dressed up as our favorite ghosts. Adley did purple, Shaun did green and Jenny did Pink but her Roblox was glitching so she barely got to design anything!
We had such a blast jumping back into Dress to Impress, we hope you guys enjoy watching even when our outfits are crazy and all over the place!
Thanks for watching!! BYE! PSSSSSHHHHHHHHH
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• NiKO, you shrunk the ADLEY and NAVEY!...
this is our channel G for Gaming!! this is a place that i can share all of my favorite gaming moments!!