Chapter 1 of You’ll Be Alright, Kid is out now!
“Save You A Seat” Lyrics:
I can hear the words you speak when the west wind whispers
I can hear your voice ring clear in the evergreens. am I who you thought I’d be, am I what you pictured
Did you have me standing here in your wildest dreams
Just like a memory
You never left me
You just left too soon
I’ll save you a seat
Next to me
Y’always at the table
Hope you’re proud of what you see
Watching with the angels
your written in my soul
It’s your blood that I bleed
Wherever you are
Wherever I’ll be
I’ll save you a seat
I feel you in the rain that falls oh I still get shivers
running like our family car down Corvidae
Did you find mom up there tell me are you with her
I wonder if the one’s who go miss the one’s who stay
Just like a memory
You never left me
You just left too soon
I’ll save you a seat
Next to me
Y’always at the table
Hope you’re proud of what you see
Watching with the angels
your written in my soul
It’s your blood that I bleed
Wherever you are
Wherever I’ll be
I’ll save you a seat
keep your room like nothing changed
try to love but it’s not the same
And I damn near broke when I heard your name
you had to go/ you couldn’t stay
So I saved you a seat
Next to me
ya’Always at the table
Hope you’re proud of what you see
Watching with the angels