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Hi guys,
Welcome back to AliaBe!!♥️
At the end of 2022 I asked you guys, what kind of videos you would like to see. I saw several requests asking for my updated skincare routine.
So here I am with my skin care guru, my sister - Shaheen! from skin types to skin concerns, routines to ingredients we can talk about skin care endlessly!
So.. here it is! We hope you enjoyed watching the video, do let us know what are the kind of products you love!
Wishing you all happy skin throughout.☀️
This is not an endorsement of any product/brand. The products shown in this video are artistes' own. The artistes in the video are in no way associated with the brands shown
No specific results or outcomes are guaranteed from the use of the products
Please consult a dermatologist for any skin concerns, this video is for informational purpose only
#aliabhatt #Shaheen
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