#babysongs #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs
[lyrics] Wiggle Wiggle Baby Shark
“Oh my! The baby is moving!”
“Ha ha, little rascal. He must be a playful little one.”
I’m a small adorable
Baby shark
In my mommy’s tummy
Growing everyday (hee hee)
Wiggle wiggle kick kick growing big
Pop! Getting ready to come out
“I want to go out and meet Daddy and Mommy!”
Wiggle wiggle la la la wiggle wiggle
La la la la la wiggle wiggle
Our small adorable
Baby shark
Now he’s grown a fin
Like a little shark (Mommy)
Wiggle wiggle flick flick growing big
Pop! Getting ready to come out
“Daddy, Mommy, I’ll be back soon!”
Wiggle wiggle la la la wiggle wiggle
La la la la la wiggle wiggle
I’m a big and awesome
Baby shark
Look I even have
Terrifying teeth (Kraar!)
Wiggle wiggle flick flick growing big
Kraar! Getting ready to go hunt
Wiggle wiggle shark shark
Wiggle wiggle shark
Wiggle wiggle shark shark
Wiggle wiggle shark
“Baby, please stop that now..”
“Huh? Heh heh!”
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