Active Self Protection
Every single day we post a real defensive encounter caught on camera and perform an after-action report on it for lessons learned ...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Episode 9: What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
LEGAL Self Defense Gadgets You Can Buy on Amazon
This video explores 10 self-defense gadgets available on Amazon, ranging from everyday items with a hidden twist to powerful tools like stun guns and flashlights. The video highlights the features and benefits of each item, providing viewers with a glimpse into the world of personal safety technology.
The Bladed Bludgeoner, AKA “Battle Grandpa”
Potential Consequences of Carrying Certain Tools of Personal Protection
UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNODC Laboratory: Full chemical resistant personal protective equipment (PPE) ensemble
Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (PERC)
Discusses various types of personal protection equipment and the requirements for respirator use(CC)
A $5 Self-Defense Weapon You Can Legally Take Anywhere
The video follows a person as they purchase materials from a hardware store to create a self-defense weapon. They explain that the weapon is inexpensive and can be easily concealed, making it a useful tool for personal safety. The video then shows the process of assembling the weapon and demonstrates its effectiveness on a test object.