
who’s at the “i don’t even have their number” stage 😭


Honestly, I don't even know my crush that much, but I'm in the Obsessed stage


My personal stages are:
1. Gets a funny feeling when he makes eye contact
2. Realises that he's actually really cute
3. Acts unbothered by his presence
4. Wants him to notice me
5. Becomes jealous when other girls talk to him


mine ❤️
1) starts to notice how similar they are to you
2)starts to look at them 
3) denies you like them
4)tries to pretend you dont like them
5)officially has a crush
6)tries to be closer with them
7)becomes obsessed


the stages for me are:
1. ooh he’s hot, is nice and matches my vibe 😎
2. hmm, do I like him?
3. getting butterflies when thinking of him
4. obsessed 🤭


5. Comes rejection
6. Comes depression 
7. Comes motivation 
8. Comes sigma
To be honest


the stage where i realize he would never like me back.


My steps are:
1. Living happily
2. My younger cousin finds a friend (he’s only a few months younger btw)
3. Starts talking on the phone with my groupchat (my crush is in it)
4. We start talking alone (at this point my brother is 100% sure i have a crush on him but i say i don’t)
5. Notices he looks at me weird (and alot)
6. Thinks he likes me
7. Gaining courage (at this point someday within that week i confess)
8. Confesses
9. He says no
10. Enters a stage of depression and crippling anxiety
11. He comes back and says he likes me
12. I say yes
13. We are dating❤

been dating for 2 years❤❤❤


the ‘sick feeling’ would probs just be my anxiety 😭😭


My stages are usually:
1. Notices they exist. 
2. Thinks they’re human beings. 
3. Realizes they’re ok human beings. 
4. Starts liking them as a friends. 
5. Starts liking them a bit more. 
6. Actually starts having a crush on them. 
7. Either tells them or keeps it as a secret. 
8. Starts either losing interest or falling in love. 
Compliting all of this takes usually 1-12 months, and there is lot of side stages that don’t apply in every crush.


Me: visibly obsessed
Crush: What’s you’re name again?


And im currently stuck in stage 4 😭❤️😍


My stages
1) becomes friends.
2)gets closer to them.
3) thinks about them a lot (like what they are doing, or their day)
4)begins texting in my free time.
5) gets overwhelmingly happy when they show attention to me.
6)don’t tell them my feelings.
7) crush goes away and I go back to viewing them as a friend.
8) becomes gross out by my crush on them in the past.


My stages:
1. Think he's ugly
2. Realize he's cute
3. Blushes and avoids eye contact
4. Daydreams about him
5. Gets a weird feeling anytime I think of him


Can we add the "Pretending to hate him phase" Because it happens everytime


This is for me-
1. Denying 
2. Smiles when he texts
3. Mentally exhausted by the sick feeling
4. Gets super duper jealous when he talkes to other girls
5. Gives up thinking that he doesnt like me and better if he stays as my "Friend"

Now I still have a crush on him
And there is so much drama going on in my life abt it.. like so many ppl in my class know abt it and anyone can reveal it to him any second... 😢


my steps
1. becoming protective
2. wanting to be around him
3. trying to include myself
4. starting to get butterflies
5. constant thinking of him
6. trying to deny feelings
7. ends up forming a really big crush
8. starts to become obvious while trying to be secretive
9. confesses to him
10. if not rejected becomes obsessed
ten steps gosh 😭😭😭


The stages of your crush crushing on you back
-they notice your obsession
-they get confused
-they enjoy the affection and attraction
-they adapt to it and start share the same feelings with you


I’m at the “he doesn’t like me back” stage 😭😭😭


mine are 
1: starts wanting to talk to him more/does
2:starts thinking/dreaming of him a lot
3:getting butterflies when around him or texting him
4:talking about him a lot to my friends
5: he gets a girlfriend and i go into depression