
Money can’t buy swag


he's high as a freaking kite


Don't forget to think critically just because you agree with the premise. Something isn't quite right with these billionaires


I'm still waiting for a complete sentence out of him.


Am I the only who things Elon was high? lol


The world has gone mad


they trying to soft launch Russia so hard.


Ironicly, Fort Knox has 325 billion in gold which is about Elon's net worth.


Be not deceived God is not mocked, whatever a man sows he shall reap."  Galatians 6:7 . "There are six things that God hates a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness. Proverbs 6:16-19


I only clicked on the video to read the comments


he seems really high.   this is scary


This is a disgrace. This unelected South African belongs in jail. WHERE ARE OUR LEGISLATORS?


He is living his Ketamine dream


Counting to a trillion would take 31,688 years at one number per second.  A billion would take 31.7 years. With a 34 trillion debt, it would take 1,077,392 years to count it off!  Folks, that’s serious trouble on the horizon!


Elon found hunter biden’s stash


I trust Musk even less than I do Trump.


This guy doesn't pay taxes why is he talking about how they use our tax dollars


This reminds me of those introductions at those Mail Marketing Scheme seminars.


Why didn’t you ask why he didn’t turndown $40M?!?!


Why is he dressed as Flava Flav from 1992