
❤🤲🏼 your videos are very helpful. I became Muslim in January😊


Thank you for making this! Truely helps as someone who is born Muslim but never learned the importance of praying but now im more committed Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT  increase you and grant you the highest level of jannah Ameen.


Hi there i just recently started praying again i watch this video everyday thanks so much


Thankyou sharing this video it's really helpful ❤❤❤


Your animation presentations are getting better. They look so nice. Great job and thank you for teaching.


Thanks you for teaching women how to pray. And correctly. Allah blessé you❤


Thank you It helps me pray n practice namaz


Thank you so much!! may Allah SWT reward and increase whoever made this animation. free Palestine 🇵🇸


Allahamdudillai thank you for sharing this animation for us that are learning to pray in Arabic.  Very helpful ❤


Thank you ❤ for sharing this video it's really help me 😊❤


Thank u this really helped me


I thank Allahs for the videos. And may Allah reward you for making the videos. Without them i wouldn't be able to pray.


Allah bless you. Thank you


Thank you so much☪️❤️


J'ai beaucoup aimé votre sourate


Mashallah 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😍😍😍😍😊


Brothers and sisters I need your help, so I started to pray Salah couple months ago and i have a question. Does Salah change during Ramadan? If yes then what’s the order and what are the names of the prayers? Thank you


Masha Allah




Allah huma Aemeen 🤲🤲🤲