
Wow! It’s over 9000! Thank you very much for watching! I never reached this many viewers🤯


Truely a character catered to the needs of gamers everywhere


Silver Wolf comes through with the feet pics 😂


Stage 1 & 2: I sleep
Stage 3: Real sh*t


99% of silver wolf users don't know this game-changing trick


She was sitting and leaned


Silver Wolf ult: she doxxes the enemy and steals their feet pics


they even added the lower body part? damn


Now that’s what i call a progamer move


You can do the same with Jing yuan's ult


0:18 Nice Gown Phantylia


Imagine skipping Silverwolf, can't be me


based gamer move


I thought that she was lying down, in fact she was kneeling and standing?


Phase: Don’t 
Phase: Stop it you little shi-!
Phase: Alright. I’m standing up


Silverwolf casually leaking her OF


Wait they actully Modelled her lower Body?


Feet pic taken shot!




Feet pics hacked