I can't tell you how much it broke my heart to hear Chris Pratt's regular voice coming out of Garfield I understand the marketing angle, but Lorenzo Music and Frank Welker embodied the character 10000% more.
The sad thing is that studios could save SO MUCH more money if they just hired actual voice actors instead of random celebrities.
The sad thing is, the target audience of these movies is usually children who aren't going to care about celebrities as much.
Corporations paying a voice actor a normal, livable wage: 🤢🤮 Corporations paying 10M$ for a celebrity that can barely voice act: 😁👍
I’m not saying to stop casting celebrity as voice actors, I’m just saying to stop taking advantage of it
I still cannot believe that the Space Jam studio was so callous as to not allow the VAs for the Looney Tunes characters to attend the official premiere in the main building (that was for the "actors"), the red carpet OR the afterparty.
I don’t care if they hire celebrities, I just wish they hired celebrities with actual experience and passion 😞
The actors no longer play the characters, the characters play the actor
this is why i like indie animation because normally they cant afford celebrity and end up with people like micheal kovac (who is good but not a celebrity)
Robin Williams: I'll do Genie, as long as you don't advertise me as the main attraction Disney: Okay, let's make him the main attraction 🤑💰💸
Actors like Mark Hamill, Keith David, James Earl Jones, J.K. Simmons, Ron Perlman, etc. are perfect examples of celebrities who are just as capable at voice acting as they are in acting live on set.
I think Jack Black has made the same transition that Robin Williams and Alan Tudyk have made. They’re people who have earned the right to say they’re both kinds of actors. Williams breathed life into animated characters. Tudyk is so good at both subtle and drastic voice manipulation that you have to admit he tricked you in Wreck-It-Ralph. And Black has demonstrated that he can both transform his voice and bring nuance to goofy characters just with sound bites.
The worst part about some of these celebrities , is that some of them act like they're doing YOU a favor by voicing the things you like.
I’d say the biggest win for VA is the actress for Tails, Colleen O’Shaughnessy still providing his voice for the live action Sonic films and Knuckles show. She mainly voices him in the games and from what I can tell, isn’t a huge name in the industry.
it's funny how it's the polar opposite in Japan, were some VA are actually more of a celebrity than tv/movie actors, I mean it helps a lot their entertainment industry is more based on anime, animated movies and video games, but still the contrast is baffling. An average VA in japan could actually have a tighter schedule than the regular actor, a single actor could be performing for more than one anime at the time, a videogame or a dubbing gig, now when you hit your big break and do the voice of a popular character, like let's say, Tanjiro from Demon slayer, not only will you be called to voice the character in everything he appears, be it a movie, video game, commercials and even toys, but also live appearances, in the west we only have conventions but in Japan, they constantly have anime related events, like "collaboration cafes", meets and greets, temporal store openings, permanent store openings, festivals, and yes regular conventions, there's also more job opportunities to VA's apart of the already mentioned animated movies, anime, video games and dubbing, there's commercials, narrator and announcers, the audio books industry, the manga and light novel industry actually has what is called "Drama CDs" which are essentially audio books, but the catch is, this "Drama CD" is usually a bonus that will never get animated or put in a manga/novel so the only way for you to know of this special chapter of your favorite franchise is to get this CD, which is usually a limited run and usually bundled to a special edition print of a manga or light novel. Bottom line, a veteran VA in Japan gets almost 10 times more recognition and work in Japan than a veteran in the west, and personally I believed it all stems down to "ye-olde" problem.....in the west animation is kid stuff while in the east is actually the bigger of the entertainment industry.
Rachael Lillis, the original voice of Misty and Jessie on Pokemon, passed away on August 10, 2024. She'd been battling cancer, and the end of life medical bills were so expensive, her sister had to set up a GoFundMe to help pay them. Her fans are the ones who came through and donated, easing the financial stress of the past few months. This should never have been on them. Pokemon is one of the largest IPs in the world, and even though she hadn't been involved with it for quite awhile, the idea that someone who was instrumental from the beginning, who helped shape the franchise in America, wouldn't be able to afford to die with some level of comfort without the generosity of her fans is sickening. This isn't right and I am so angry right now.
The only time I'd be fine with a celebrity actor is if that celebrity truly knows the character that they're playing and try to be as accurate as possible. There are some huge examples of this, even if they're not animated
Honestly I’m tired of Awkwafina. Like just hire someone who actually used different voices for different roles. It’s not hard.
To be fair on the Mario thing, Charles Martinet has said he didn't want to do the movie and, since he was getting ready to retire, said that he wanted the franchise to hire a new voice. I don't think Chris Pratt was what he had in mind, but there's that much.