
This song is a sign to be grateful for what you have because you never know how long it will last and don’t forget to always be grateful for every little thing you have because some people are not that lucky and don’t have anything 🌺


This song is everything. I hope you go very far. Ilysm❤ You make music that people can relate to and it makes me feel like I'm not alone so thank you.


I absolutely love that every song is dedicated to your life I think that’s super cool


You had me crying but this proves light will shine down to u one day for everyone seeing this don’t give up no matter what cause u have to have hope and faith ❤


This song hits different you’ve come so far good luck going forward


we love you alex‼️‼️we’ll always love and cherish everything you do for us🥰🥹


This made me cry in a good way❤😢


early and Alex you have come so far in your career and Im so proud of you along with thousands of others who are too. keep on going❤


I have very bad anxiety and this song is so relatable I have been in and out of the hospital for a year now because my anxiety has made me have stomach issues and I was taken up to the hospital in an ambulance ik it's nothing like what you went through but I can still relate in a way ♥️


Love the song can’t get it out of my head❤️❤️


Yes your so awesome and strong so proud 😊


Lovely to hear from you thanks you


I love it it makes me feel so blessed and happy


I was homless at 17/18 too, shit sucks


I relate to this so much


I deadly love this song bc I feel like this all the time bc it's a hard time for me and my family 😢


Slayyyyy but I’m so sorry abt you beaing homeless ❤


This is how I feel everyday


I’m homeless with my mom at 19…. We live from hotel to hotel and can’t find jobs… I’m crying….


That's a really nice guitar