
Check my community tab to win the giveaway!! Love y’all and hope you guys enjoy the new videos


I love it that you’re more in front of the camera, I feel like we’re getting more of a connection with you and you get a connection with the viewers! Just keep doing what you’re doing!


I’ve been following you since before tiktok was even a thing, and honestly just watching you and kouvr progress from where you started has made me so happy for y’all, y’all are great keep doing your thing


I’m subscribed, and I love it. This is genuinely hilarious and great content.


I’ve been following you since 2020 and you’ve helped me through some hard stuff. I appreciate everything you do!


I’ve been subscribed and following you and the rest of the hype house since early 2020. No regrets and it’s fun to still watch! Love you all


Alex i just wanted to say that you are an amazing person your videos keep me company  when i feel alone. If i tell my parents anything they would say that they dont care so i watch you and it helps. I have always wanted to go to LA but never had the money any way thank you. PS im subscribed


iv been following you for 3 years ever sense you posted your first vid on youtube keep it up i love your content


Love your content! Makes my days 100% better! Especially coming home after a long day of school and work! I have been subscribed since the pandemic and your videos have definitely helped me through it! I can’t wait to see the next one!! :)


I'm subscribed. I'm glad I'm subscribed because you've helped me and many other people get through rough times. Your content makes my day.


Hey Alex , I’m subscribed! Thank you for your amazing content as always! This was the most I’ve laughed in a YouTube video in a long time! Keep it up! I was dying laughing! Connor and Calvin were the highlights of it!, y’all are amazing ! Super funny !


I’ve been subscribed since 2020, you have made me a happier person. Thank you


hey Alex I've seen many YouTubers over the years who let the fame go to their heads but you are one of my favorites because of how down-to-earth and normal you and your friends are, I love you and you're friends, and wish you guys all the best. and I'm Subscribed lol (:


A lot of these comments are depressing, awesome video as always, you never disappoint, keep up the fantastic crazy irl videos


Alex is looking in great shape, great vlog as well


i’ve been sub to you for the longest and it was really cool seeing you progress


oml dude. idek how long i’ve been subscribed it feels like forever. i love and admire u and your friends. you guys are hilarious and the way you play off eachothers comedy is immaculate!!


I love that it’s goes from “I bought the world’s largest cow” to “How to apologize to your girlfriend” 🤣


Hey Alex! I am subscribed, thank you for bringing us amazing content


i’m subscribed . the format of yo vlogs is genius definitely inspired