
It's not that simple. Democracy was dismantled using entirely constitutional methods in 1930s Germany. Looking at the methods is not enough, you have to look at the goals too.


Here' s a sincere suggestion or maybe a plea (stemming from desperation), please do a series of interviews with actual federal workers to present to the your audience and hopefully a wider group of voters what these individuals do that is so vital for our lives and  combating problems to make things better for us the ordinary American.


Boy cried wolf is a valid argument, if it was 4-8 years ago. Now it just feels like you're falling for the end of that story where the wolf DOES show up and you don't believe the boy.


Here in Denmark we say fascism, and we are not sorry. The imaginary philosophical stand point, only benefits fascism.


The road to fascism is paved with people telling you to stop overreacting.


I understand what he is saying and still have a ton of respect for Jon, but he is missing the shot on this one. It has shown over and over again that Fascism gets its foot in the door through democracy, not through brute force. Which is why we have to be critical of all these government programs that have fascist tools equipped into part of them. There is a time for them as long as they are used responsibility, but the more powerful they are, the more oversight and stronger guards have to put onto them break them in the cases we get people like President Musk and his pet Trump that will use them to hold power as soon as they grab on to it.


in Germany we have a saying: "wehret den Anfängen", somewhat like "resist the Beginning" and this is because fascism came into power in Italy, in Germany through mostly democratic means. Even England and the US had politics in the 1930s that could have ended up in a fascist regime. There is no "crying wolf" if it's clear that all the decisions being made lead to a fascist government. From the beginning, from the very first time Trump rode down the escalator, the wolf was at the gates, and has been let inside the town and shredded people up twice by now. And this time, every person the wolf is tearing up in the city, is replaced with one of the wolfs cubs. That's exactly how a fascist regime is built, from the inside. I think it's the other way around, the media hasn't done enough to highlight how a fascist regime affects society. It's all just "unrelated instances", the overbearing arc of what this giant wolf is creating, cannot be seen. "Den Wald vor lauter Bäume nicht sehen" – We don't see the forest because of how many trees there are.
(It's by the way exactly the same here in Germany at the moment.)


"It is not illegal if it saves the country" That's fascism.


Fascism is a process, not an end point.


The wolf isn’t at the door, he’s inside


Somehow, this reminds me of "Cabaret," where the entertainers sing on as Germany gets more and more fascist around them. Jon can "nuance" all he wants, but, in just about every statement and move since the inauguration, whether he sees it or not, it's in full swing.


Come on Jon. The time has really come.


When his own former chief of staff, military joint chief of staff, and vice president have all used the term to describe him, it’s time to use the term.


For a man who loves "specificity", he's oddly imprecise. The currency of the word "fascism" has been declining for decades. It has even been appropriated by the right and aimed back at the left. What's more important is to recognise that the US is currently going through a genuinely critical period and much is at stake.


If this isn't a perfect example of gaslighting, I need to go back to gaslighting school.  "I know that NOAA and NWS are saying there is a storm coming, but they are soooooo dramatic, I wouldn't bother with that right now. Just wait until the storm is actually here to mention it to anybody near you or put your car in the garage. What? The winds are up already and there is softball sized hail falling, you say? Sounds like a tornado outside?  The sky is green?  C'mon... settle down, people. Wait 'til a real storm happens. Go binge watch something."


The reason a lot of people were crying fascism before was because they had the ability to foresee the situation Americans now find themselves in. They weren't simply saying "Trump and his loyalists in the Republican Party are fascists", more that "their ideology is reminiscent of fascism, and if they get elected don't be surprised if they start acting on it", which is essentially what has happened. It isn't crying wolf to give warnings about something you can see coming. It isn't crying wolf if a train is barrelling down the tracks with no brakes, and you warn people walking across the railway line a few miles down the road to steer clear, but the train doesn't immediately hit them. If they don't react, they're still gonna go splat! There have definitely been instances of politicians and media pundits throwing around terms like fascism too loosely (for example, when it's in the interest of the nation's health to isolate themselves temporarily during a pandemic), but it doesn't mean "smaller" scale actions carried out by this administration don't throw up warning signs. Regimes often begin their reigns of terror by pushing the boundaries of the devious things they can do while technically operating within the rule of law. Suddenly, right and wrong become muddled, as do legal and illegal - before you know it, the threshold has been crossed and it's hard to turn back.


The criteria for what is a fascist action isn’t just ‘was this technically legal’


I love Jon. I think the media and our political has done a terrible job at holding people accountable and addressing what people need to know. 

The problem is there are legit fascist things Trump has done. It’s not if, it’s happening now.


As soon as that project 2025 was published, it showed no one was crying wolf. They just didn't get it right the first time and this time they were correcting their mistakes.


The symphony has already begun and youre telling us its only rehearsal...