
One of the best parts of a new Monster Hunter release is Ruri’s Gunlance guide.


I've been maining nothing but gunlance since launch and I thought I knew everything about it. But I learned so many things in this video:
- You can do wyvernfire after a Drake Auger.
- You can hold guard and use the reload's guard point to still execute a perfect guard.
- Faster wyvernfire after a perfect guard.
- Going for the triangle poke off of a ledge instead of the slam yields a higher success for mounts.
- You can hit circle for an arial full blast (I've been spamming slam and my whole world is changed with this one).
- The INSANE triangle, circle, triangle gap closer.
- You can do the aerial full blast straight off of your Seikret.

Thank you Rurikhan. You make us gunlance aspirers proud.


I like how Gaijin is watching everything unfold in the background.


As someone who has been avoiding to look at any content of the game since the initial trailler to play it as blind and fresh as possible, I just wanted to thank you for using the starter equipment so nothing is spoiled... Really minor thing, but your weapon guides are my favorite and I am really glad I can watch this one since I will be maining the gunlance in Wilds


Dude, ive watched 3 other gunlance tutorials. Either with an a.i. voice over, or no voice and only subtitles. I couldnt for the life of me figure out what they were explaining. It went in one ear and out the other, and for the subtitles i had to choose between watching the visual representation or actually reading. I thank you so so sooo much for your guide. I was in the training area mimicing everything you said move for move, and even pausing to do those moves a few times. After 1hour of hunts, i just now killed tempered averek(however its spelled, the 8*star one) with gunlance. Felt great! I do get nervous about when to block though since ive alrdy been spoiled by lance blocking everything. Thank you though man


A 40 minute Funlance guide? I'm here for it.


I can't believe the Gunlance is as unpopular as it is. You get a lance, one of the objectively coolest medieval weapons. You get a massive shield that could stop a Meteor from hitting the planet. And if that wasn't enough, you also get several explosives at the tip of you lance. The only downside of Wilds' Gunlance is the loss of Blast dash, rest in peace


Easily the most in-depth Gunlance guide on the internet 🤠


“So you’ve chosen to learn the gunlance…!”

Damn right I have! Well… RE-learn it. Haven’t played a MH since Iceborn and I wanna see what all new things are in store. Thanks for the guide as always, dude!


This brings back memories,  back when I was starting World, I watched your guide on the Gunlance and that's why I'm a Gunlance main to this day, I can't believe it's been 7 years.


Did you know that the critically acclaimed WIDE SWEEP has good forward momentum, and includes a follow up Wyrmstake Blast AND the award-winning Multi Wyrmstake Full Blast with up to two Wyvern's Fire with no restrictions on chargetime?


Also took the dive into gunlance this time around, had to switch it up from the old bonk stick. Man did that first perfect guard feel good. 

Knew the gunlance guide would be coming quick from the man himself, appreciate all you do Rurikhan. 

Happy hunting everyone!


Thanks to you i found the option on how to put focus mode to toggle instead of hold which is a total game changer


Gotta say. I love cowboy but man you did a awesome job teaching people this. I was able to take this weapon and kick ass with it. Well done.


There is actually an extra guard tech available for the Gunlance.

If you Guard against any kind of beam or flamethrower attack, specifically those attacks where the monster fires either a narrow or wide stream of stuff at you , you can do a unique dashing thrust attack that will immediately stagger the monster out of the attack.

You'll know you pulled it off when the camera moves in for a cinematic view of your hunter charging through the flames.

Needless to say, you need Guard Up to even be able to have access to this, since those beam/flamethrower attacks typically require Guard Up to even be Guardable.


I was messing about with other weapons and then found the gunlance in wilds absolutely incredible


Man you have taught me to play every weapon i have played in World, Rise and now Wilds, the way you teach is like University level teaching. Much love to you <3


I've avoided all the weapons that have shields because the left handedness makes my brain itch, but man this looks and sounds so cool I'm gonna have to give it a go.


I've watched a few weapon guides on Youtube so far, but this has got to be the best one. Extremely comprehensive. You show the full breadth of the weapon. It's concise and succinct too, you're not constantly saying "uhm" or searching for your next topic. Very pleasant.


Im pretty happy that I usually play the video games that you cover because in my opinion you make the best tutorials on youtube