this is so sweeeeeeeet ughhhh UGHHHH MY HEARTTTT MY LUNGSSSS 😭😭
Alex, there really something about this song that just clicked with me. I asked my mom if I could take singing lessons because you have been such an inspiration to me!! So thank you 🥹
Yours and Kouvrs relationship will forever be my dream.🥰🥰
This is probably going to be my first dance song at my wedding 😢❤❤I love your music
Thank lord for this man's voice
I lost my parents age 2 fosters all I’ve known. Hope to see my parents there
I’m playing every one of your songs at my wedding 100%
I bawled my eyes out to this song.. makes me think of my boyfriend❤️ Were in a long distance relationship! He is my entire world 🥺🥺
Come on Alex again have my sobbing in my coffee my husband. Says that I can't go first because he wouldn't know what to do without me so this song hits my heart he's been saying these words to me since we've been together. I can't wait to play this for him 💙 thank you for yet again another beautiful song
if i can't hear your music in heaven, then it wouldn't be heaven
God Dammit… I was so set on making carry you home as my wedding song and now he made this banger and I can’t choose 🙃
Oh my goodness Alex your songs really do make me wanna cry 😭😂🫶🏻
did anyone noticed he used his vows in the song "and if death do us part I promise to find you in every lifetime" that's his vows check 2:09 for what he used
i too like your voice. love seeing the younger generation follow their love. follow your passion till the end of the road, and when there is no more road left keep following your passion till the end of the world. what i’m saying is never give up.
You’re my favorite person ever. I’ve been watching u and kovs content for years and watching you become something great has been beautiful❤️
Man you are awesome, I think this is one of the most beautiful song I've ever heard!
Another meaningful song ❤
Just found this song today, now it's being played on loop! Love it ❤
I don’t understand how you haven’t blown up yet. Your music is just fantastic