

Jazakum Allah Khairan.


I’m 50. I’ve been questioning my past choices and experiences. I was brought up Christian (catholic), and have met other churches.
Honestly, yesterday and today I have been so anxious because I feel like I need to belong to a community where the relationship with God is real and honest.
There are so many christian denominations and churches… I feel lost.
Something has called me to listen about Allah and the Quran. I feel peaceful right now. I’m almost sure that this is it. I’m tired, have moved away from mundane “friends” and I want to dedicate myself to serving my community, in a Godly manner.
Pray that I am rightfully guided and meet my community soon.
May you be blessed, always.

Ps: your energy is so approachable. Thank you.


Great advice sister I am a revert, and have noticed some people trying to stray me from Allah and tell me things which are not in Quran. We should always listen to, and follow Allah. Not others and please them..only Allah


You speak so calmly, so slowly and in a soothing way. This is required from an woman. 
May Allah help you being in the right path.


Another tip is to stop hearing music !!
I also mean like music in videos or edits!

It's Sunnah to put your fingers at your ears when you hear music. The Sahaba used to do that ✨


You are such a beautiful soul. May Allah reward you for the actions you do to help us become closer to Allah ❤


Assalamualikum 😊
1. Left the past behind (sins and bad habit) 
2. Do not open the door for bad habits( certain things:people, place) 
3. Do a routine for good habits (prayer, meditation) stop doing unnecessary things: tv, social media, backbiting)
4. Stay away from everything that can be a barrier to getting closer to Allah
5. Stay connected with good things that remind Allah
6, Spend more time with Allah and try to make circle small 
7. Reading Quran and Islamic books
8. Prayer is a must 
9. Strong connection with good things
10. Acquire good knowledge 
11. Assess yourself 
12. Track your goals 
13. Pick up your Quran before pick up your mobile in the morning 
14. Be consistent


جزاكِ الله خيراً ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


As-salamu Alaykum 
Jazak Allahu Khayran 
Allah bless you dear sister. Ameen Ya Rabb 🤲


May Allah reward you, sister ♡


Jazkallah khyran dear sister may Allah reward you highest level of his paradise . You are an amazing sister ❤❤❤


Allahumma barik May Allah reward you sis💛


your channel is so peaceful i love it here


Jazakumullah Khayran sister 🦋


I needed on this topic,, jajakallah, 
Many many Love from Bangladesh, my big sister


May Allah bless you  ya Ustadah raabi zeedlaki fi Almik


You smile, your uplifting energy is everything ❤❤❤

Thank you so much.


I was so much waiting for your video…May Allah bless you for all your efforts ❤❤❤


Thank you sis for the useful advice! Love from Malaysia ❤


Thank you sister for your videos. May Allah bless you !!