
Im so happy to see this video! I have this. I had no idea i had it until I was about to give bith to my daughter. When I was pregnant with her, she was breached my whole pregnancy with her. She wouldn't turn so I decided to move forward with a Csection with her. After the section, my doctor wanted to know why she was breached the whole time. After my surgery her and another doctor were taking a look at everything and they both found out that I only had half of a uterus. Both doctors were shocked that she made it to full term, no miscarriages occurred and that she didn't have any hip issues from not being able to move around much. My daughter is 7 years old now and doing well. She has been asking for a sibling and I'm hoping and praying that we can make that happen for her. 
Again thank you so much for sharing this video!


Thanks for posting! I was diagnosed with an unicornuate uterus 3 years ago during an emergency c section after 3 years infertility and recurrent losses. It was kinda relieving to have some answers, but there’s not a lot of information or content about it.


I was diagnosed with UU September of last year. Thank you so much for the information. I start IVF this month. I am so grateful and hope that everything goes smoothly. ❤


I wanna thank you for these informations. As the man of a wife woth a UU, i tried to find as much information as possible about it but often there are women only groups etc. 
I did know most of it already but still wonder if there are things i can do in order to support my wife now in her pregnancy(we had IVF 2 weeks ago). Anything specific to pay attention too?


Wow would this be diagnosed during transvaginal ultrasound?


I was recently diagnosed with UU and not much info on it yet for me


Doctor how about people that have that but because it was removed by surgery


I have question what sperm swim fastest male or female what one get to egg first . I always feel when i Have baby i feel it would be girl but i would be very surprised if it egg choose boy YX chromosome not girl chromosome xx just i have feel it would be girl not boy . I really love boy but i keep having feelings it would be girl because of dream first dream it was twins boys and then another dream i was pregnant with girl and then another dream it was my gender reveal it was girl i have always what baby boy but my chance it will be girl not boy and i have polystyrene ovary syndrome i need take mini pill desogestrel before i have baby and i am single too and i have mild autism too.

