Great tune. Classic Live.
Pure dripping sensual was right there . WHOOOOOOWEEEEEE !!! Aged like a damn fine wine !!! All of them !!!
It's nice to see one of the best bands to come out in the 90's back together making great music.
The boys are back and soundin' great ....greetings from Brazil....It's so nice to be aging with one of the greatest bands from my generation ...thank god you're back with the same old punch you've ever given to us ...the fans...waitin' for the south- american tour...See ya ....
in my opinion Live is one of the most underrated bands of our time.
Seen live twice since theyve reformed and they sound just as good as when they did the many times before they split. Great to have Ed where he belongs. Bring on the new album!
Excellent 3 minute rock tune, full of energy, swagger and a loud comeback single. It grabs the listeners attention and gets noticed. Welcome back guys, pleased they resolved their issues.. goes to show you can't keep a great group of people down/separated for long.
Good ol fashioned rock n roll!!!! Welcome back!!
Yeah! I love you guys!! I've grown up with this music. Greetzzz from Germany and Poland!!
16:05 🤩🤩👏...once upon a time....🤘
Wow, look who's BACK! This is amazing!! "Love Lounge" Once upon a time in deja-vu land I kissed you on the lips and sent you away Then I fell into the hole inside my heart Now you're back and everything is lovely Our finest hour like eternity But there's just one more thing I got to show you, baby The leaves have fallen, it's the winter The thaw of springtime is a long way off I'll keep you happy in the meantime Come to the love lounge, I'll be right along, yeah Shoot that... fear! Shoot that... fear! Through the smoke I see her comin' near me Through the haze I see the hourglass Hypnotized or mystified now I don't know So be gentle with my tender soul, babe Unless you wanna send me reelin' again Hey maybe we should find a quiet place instead? Yeah The leaves have fallen, it's the winter The thaw of springtime is a long way off I'll keep you happy in the meantime Come to the love lounge, I'll be right along, yeah Shoot that... fear! Shoot that... fear! The leaves have fallen, it's the winter The thaw of springtime is a long way off I'll keep you happy in the meantime Come to the love lounge, I'll be right along, yeah Shoot that... fear! Shoot that... fear!
Such a rockin jam! Can't wait to hear this in Houston in a few days!
Absolutely awesome - looking forward to listening to more new material and for your next tour in South Africa!
Beavis: Check it out, Butt-Head! It's The Rock! Heh heh heh. Butt-Head: Cool! I didn't know The Rock was in a band. Uhh huh huh. (at 0:51) Uhhh, is this, like, Las Vegas or something? Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh! They must be, like, really rich or something. Butt-Head: Yeah. I bet the drummer gets, like, all the chicks. Beavis: Yeah! And The Rock comes in, starts screaming at them, and then kicks their asses! Heh heh heh! Butt-Head: Yeah! The Rock is cool! Huh huh. Huh huh huh. Beavis: He's better than that John Cena dude. Heh heh, hmm heh heh. Butt-Head: (cue 1:36) Uhh huh huh, hey Beavis. He's checking you out. Beavis: Dammit! Shut up, Butt-Head! Butt-Head: Remember that music video with that one guy looking at the screen? Huh huh huh! He was like "I like what I see. I'll be right over." Beavis: Shut up, Butt-Head! I'm gonna kick your ass! Butt-Head: (cue 1:46) He wants to keep you happy, Beavis! Huh huh huh! (Cue Beavis kicking Butt-Head in the nuts) UUUUUUHHHHHAAAAAAUGH!!!! (He falls over wincing in pain) Uh huh huh, oww... Beavis: My foot will keep your nads happy, dumbass! Heh heh heh! Shut up! Butt-Head: (cue 2:59) Uhhh... Whoa! That chick has no hair! Beavis: Yeah. Las Vegas is cool! We should go back sometime, Butt-Head. Hmm heh heh. Butt-Head: Yeah. Uh huh huh.
Yes!!!!!! So happy that are back together!!!! Best band ever!
You've done it again guys! Welcome home Ed!
we bought it! go buy it LIVE fans, they ask so little money do (dont do nothing illegal!), they're so kind to sell for such a tiny price THANKYOU LIVE, love u guys & i'm so grateful to have seen u several times♥ unforgettable♥ as all u create & are♥
Ooooooooh so happy to see them again 👍👍👍
Can't wait to hear more... Gonna really really miss Chris Shinn.. he fit SO well, The Turn was better then the last 3 Live albums