My daughter had 3rd degree burns on her hand and forearm & had skin grafts. She ended up not having to do physical therapy because she played her Nintendo Switch & got full dexterity back!
10:03 “you cut me open and I keeeeep bleeding” bro did they really play Bleeding Love as the poor man bleeds out 😭
1:31 those little animations 😭
I was doing my normal "evil laughter " in my shower...Jaw got stuck.
I always forget that for most of the rest of the English speaking world, the first floor is the floor above the ground floor. Here in the US (and probably Canada?), that would be the second floor. When I heard that the kid got dared to jump onto the trampoline from the first floor window, I thought "Oh, that's not so bad, only a few feet from the ground," and then when I saw the graphic showing him jumping from the second floor, I was definitely confused for a split second before I remembered.
Iam a high schooler from Nepal. We don't really have the best health care system but you inspire me to save our health care and to help others in need. Thank you for posting these educational videos in the way that I could understand so I have progress to become a doctor❤❤❤
"I'm a happy chappy" is adorable hahah
When my daughter was 2 she stuck a dried bean up her nose. So off to the ER we go. It took 5 people holding her down. One at each arm and leg, and me holding her head still, while the doctor went in and pulled it out. And she was screaming her head off. Such fun. She never stuck anything up her nose again though. lol
Similar injury to the tar one was shown on "Untold Stories of the ER": it involved a walk-in clinic in a shopping mall. A construction worker outside, tripped and fell putting his hand in a bucket of road tar. Since it was a walk-in clinic they didnt really have much for supplies. After trying several things to get the tar off, they ended up borrowing a tub of mayo from a nearby fast food restaurant, soaked his hand in that and it broke up the tar so they could remove it. They called an ambulance and took him to a burn unit after that where he was later found to have 3rd degree burns but they saved his hand.
True story: my dad (86 years old) sawed off his hand the week before Christmas (2024). Miraculously after 13 hours in surgery, they saved his hand. He’s had difficult PT. But the crazy part is that he cancelled his New Years Eve trip to NEW ORLEANS. So it saved his life, essentially.
When I was a kid in the early 2000s. I used to watch this on BBCThree over here in the UK. It would put you right off your tea 😆
As a healthcare worker myself, For the life of me, my stomach will churn and cringe at the site of a real person simply getting their finger pricked and blood dripping out, but I'm completely desensitized when I watch a horror movie and I see blood and gore gushing everywhere and I get excited! 😂
Can I just draw your attention to 15:06. People love to talk about how social medicine is garbage and leads to high wait times. The average wait time for that month in their emergency department was four hours. The last time I went to a hospital (a couple months back), the wait time was EIGHT HOURS.
Man this is a blast from the past , I remember watching these when it was first on TV
Thanks for taking my request of Bizzare ER Dr. Mike, this video is like a gift for me☺️
I'm from the Philippines and aspire to be a doctor. Every night, when I doubt myself and wonder if I can do it, I watch your videos to regain my inspiration. Thank you, Doctor Mike ❤
"Your storytelling + medical knowledge = best combo ever! Keep them coming!"
Doctor Mike, I just got accepted into the Healthcare Academy at my school!! You have always been a huge inspiration for me. I put you in my essay I had to write for part of the application. I’m so happy, and I cannot thank you enough for teaching me so much about healthcare and the medical field. :)
I worked in road construction for 12 years. The best for removing tar is extra virgin olive oil. Soak and rub, it should come out, depending on the severity of the burn obviously.