
Post Malone can literally do any genre at this point


Being alive at the same time as Post Malone is a blessing


Honestly the post malone country era really got me hooked on this magical music, Post Malone is a blessing


I’m a single father of 3 who’s been battling chronic illness for years. I’m still sick and can’t work a “regular job” so I am going to pursue my music full time for real now so I can support my kids. I just wanted to say thank you for your music, Austin. For always giving me the inspiration I need to keep going another day. Your music has saved my life over and over again. Love the new album. Keep going and keep your head up. ❤ Much love from Sweden 🇸🇪


Thank you! From us losers, survivors, sinners, beginners.


Losers are the real survivors. The ones with true mental strength to keep going no matter what life throws our way


Post Malone literally just collecting his gauntlet of infinity stones with these genres of music.


Grazie per aver dato voce anche a chi ogni giorno, pur impegnandosi, si sente sempre l'ultimo della fila ❤
Un abbraccio dall'italia 🇮🇹


There is something so incredible about the songwriting ability of taking something like being called a “loser” and turning it into something that people envy. This album is a masterpiece


How many international Post Malone Fans are there? 👀🔥


We’ve been asking for a Posty Roll song for years. What a time to be alive.


The boy who makes country enjoyable 🎉🎉


Dear losers You’re not the ones who lost—it's the world that failed to see your worth. But I hope one day you'll rise, and people will embrace you as their own.


“Losers” is an ode to those who have never won in life.
The “losers,” as Post Malone calls them, are people who have never found their place in the world, but who nevertheless continue to live with pride.

“Bad times we can't forget and good times we won't remember.
You might be lonely but you're never alone, you're right here where you're supposed to be, right here with all the losers, the ones like you and the ones like me.
If you live like you have nothing to lose there is a place for you next to me on this stool.”


The real losers are the people constantly hating on this man and underestimating him… Austin just living his best life and making REAL MUSIC with SOUL… once in a lifetime artist for sure.


This song comforts me some how


You might be lonely but you’re never alone. I feel you Posty, I feel you buddy.


After listening to this song I don't actually feel bad to be a loser.... Changed my perspective of life in a good way!


No one mentioning Jelly Roll really out here working with EVERYONE in ANY genre this year. J.R. Take Over 🤘


There isn't a sufficient word (in any language) that can express how much I Love you...