Loved riding with and seeing my guy, you’re salt of the earth! Until next time🤓🙏
when he said “i love u” n kissed her i teared up I LOVE THEM
Hey Alex, I hope you are doing okay with all that is happening in your life. Your videos make me smile and I get excited every time you upload. Love Ellie! Ps: happy 3 yrs with kovur
Kovour looks very cute and elegant!
Your videos always put a smile on my face when I'm having a very bad day so thank you and keep it up
Holy shit, is it just me or does Alex look like he's back to his 2019 self again? damn he looks so handsome now
Theses are like bloopers but the best bloopers ever
I see my boy being a gentleman and loosing weight good stuff my guy
🥰🥰Yessssss!!! Love you, Tana and Bryce and his mama!! Currently just got a laser vein ablation procedure and yall make me feel better
Remember Alex, we love u so much. The thought you put into ur vids to make us happy is amazing. U r so strong ily❤️❤️❤️ also happy 3 years with kouvr💞
At this point Kouvr should just propose to Alex like surprise him with a cute date and propose I think that would be great ❤️
that trip must have been so fun with her. Much love alex :)
I love Tana. She’s so fun.
The ending was the best part 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺love you Alex and kouvr
I just love Alex and Kouver sm 💕happy anniversary 💕
You and Kouvr have all my heart ❤❤❤ today and always
Wow, Alex’s hair looks amazing, never seen kovur look so cute and so adorable and beautiful
alex🥺 you gor her so happy when you said amagin i get down on one knee and when you said your not gonna she got so sad but but i love your channell and positivity and keep up the great work