I own the current body mask, I'm having some good results in terms of some firming so far in just under a months use. i couldn't purchase the neck and chest unit, however i just use the mask on those areas Also using the Nira laser as well, seeing nice results. Thank you Dr. Lim
All the trials were done with the led diodes firmly touching the skin. The skin will reflect the majority of the light if not. No one seems to mention it. It’s needs to be cold laser, especially if you have pigmentation issues. Other specifications need to be correct too for it to work. The wavelengths tested and found beneficial and safe are 633 and 833 (look it up, I might have remembered it wrong) I’m getting annoyed seeing all these apparent experts not discussing these points but happily trying out new devices and just giving the marketing spiel instead of the specs needed.
Hot and Flashy tested several of these LED masks/devices and gave great and honest advice about each one. Her fave is Omnilux. Too expensive. :(
Should really have ad in the title
I love my CurrentBody LED Red Light Therapy mask, I just need to be more consistent with using it because when I do use it I notice a difference in my skin.
I had the current body mask, used it 5 days/wk for a year, saw no difference, then it stopped working and they kept messing me about with the warranty. Bought the Omnilux mask, used as instructed and saw actual results in 3 weeks
My favorite is the Mito Red light/infrared light panel. Thanks for sharing!
I trust this guy more than anyone when it comes to skincare.
Can you do a review on the SkinGenics LED mask ? Been seeing a lot of positive reviews. Thumbs up so Dr.Lim sees hopefully 🙌🏽
I use my Wellbeam devices for healing and inflammation when needed. I should be using them on my face, hands and neck as well, but don’t have time. I’ve occasionally used one on my head, for my brain. Who knows how well that works. This therapy has been around for a while.
I've Dermalux Flex MD, it's an investment and I highly recommend it.
I love my current body led mask, I have both the face and neck and chest devices as they were on sale for $500 for both. I've seen results quicker than I thought I would! I do have to say though, I agree with the other commenters express for concern and general disappointment with their customer service. My masks took over a month to get to me when I was told it would be shipped to me in less than a week, and customer service took so long to even respond to me and when they eventually did respond it was a generic auto reply answer that had nothing to do with my concerns I contacted them about. I luckily haven't had a problem with my devices but I do fear anything happening to them because I can totally imagine the customer service being worse in that scenario. TLDR; love my LED masks, but the customer service is pretty shit.
Thank you for this informative video. I just ordered the Rajani MD LED face mask because this mask covers the jowls, and upper lip with lights. I am just starting to see signs of jowls and I have upper lip wrinkles at age 65.
Hi Dr Lim, I am desperate to use red light therapy, but I am petrified that it will worsen me melasma. I have really bad melasma on my entire face; I am a Fitzpatrick skin type 4. I have tried everything as well as 8% hydroquinone mixed with azelaic acid etc (made a modest difference , I am serious) . I tried Meladerm, Cyspera, Retin A, azelaic acid 15%, Tranexamic acid, Arbutin, Niacinamide, Good molecules, Vit c etc ( and the list goes on) with modest results. I am vegetarian, does not eat processed food and does moderate exercise 3X a week and very vigilant about using sunscreen and reapplying! I would like to try red light therapy but I get mixed results about the effect on melasma, some says it does not affect melasma and some says it does for example Dr Vanita Rattan prohibits the use of red light on skin of color and I believe Dr Sam Ellis made a similar comment. I would appreciate your advice as you touched on the topic here but did not delve into pigmented skin like mine…much appreciated.
Love this. Please do one of these on high frequency home devices pleaseeee
So many people make at home LED light therapy now, can pick up random brands on Amazon and even Aldi. I've been using the Omnilux one for the last 10+ years before everyone started making them, they're the OG. Like I couldn't use anything besides my clarisonic for my cleansing brush cuz they're the OG. Sometimes the cheaper/newer rip off's aren't worth the hassle.
I have tried the Currentbody mask and the downside is that it is a very bad fit. On some areas the mask sits so tight on the face that the lights cannot reach anything but the the square cm of skin below them. I have since purchased a panel which has more bulbs/power and can treat face, neck and hands in one go at the price of one face mask.
I love my led mask but not current body who in my experience don’t always honour warranties. I’m sorry Davin is partnering with them
If not getting either one of those brands, how can you determine what LED mask is worth your money?