"I actually have to loop" just hits hard in this battle. Not taking away from Raje, hes awesome. I just felt that quote had a huge influence on how the battle panned out.
In this battle there was an issue with the cointoss. There was no cointoss, while there should have been one. We are sorry for this as the official rules stated this. It will not happen again.
much greetings and love to both semi finalists Raje and Yaswede! This was real passion and nice battle.
This was soooo close... Unreal from both
Yaswede's 2nd round man..Was shocked once when I heard it as a wildcard, was stunned again when I heard it in this video. Textures is just so good bro
Imagine you are battling two different loopers that have the best round of the competition and still manage to beat them, yaswede did it
stich vs footboxg is, definetively, the best battle of the year
The "Textures" bassline coming right after that iconic segment was just diabolical, had everyone on his feet 13:29
Raje round 1 0:37 Yaswede round 1 4:34 Raje round 2 8:35 Yaswede round 2 13:18 Judge decision 17:55
1st round raje 2nd round very close but yaswede Judges decision 2-3 in favour of yaswede acceptable by everyone
Insane semi finals, probably the best battle this gbb loopstation !
Snitch🇮🇳 vs Just Weed🇧🇪 | GRAND BEATBOX BATTLE 2024: BOSS Loopstation Championship | Semi Final
❌loopstation competition ⭕drinking competition
13:22 best drop of gbb24
probably one for the books in the history of loop battles 🔥
Hello guys pretty cool battle 😯 Textures (2nd round) is available on all streaming platforms 👀🔥 1st round coming soon too 🙌🏻
11:42 Yaswede : *blocking raje's way Raje : Alright im out
5:00 For those who doesn't understand what he show that was a Paper Launch Pad