It blows my mind how Ricky can putt well with anything. He could probably switch to aluminum pie pans and still drain 40-50 footers on command.
Rick looks re-energized. Love to see it
Everybody wanted to see that first buzzsaw flight. I felt the collective sigh when it hit a tree
That Raptor Skin looks SWEET. Discraft is doing some cool stuff right now!
Idk why I enjoyed this so much. I’m a Trilogy guy and I have never really been a Ricky fan even on while he was on DD. Yet he switches to Discraft and now I enjoy this content and watching him. I’m confused with myself. I think I’m becoming a bigger fan. Thanks for taking us along for the journey Ricky!
Ricky is unparalleled with his mindset and how he presents golf. I get a lot of good vibes and love the intellectual approach!!
Congrats Ricky on joining Discraft. He makes this look a lot easier than for a normal human!
I love how much he loves this sport, I’ve met him 3 times and I want to meet him again and maybe one day play a round with him! Ricky I can’t wait to see how much you win this year on tour!
Awesome to be back out on the course with you Ricky! Thanks for bringing us along!!
That putting stroke… beautiful
Why am I smiling watching this?! Loving the energy! So excited for your time with Discraft!
5:45 <-- This, my friends, is why Discraft signed Ricky. Love it!
Congratulations Ricky. You are a great dude! Cheers!
Really interesting watching pros learn new discs
Super stoked to see you on Discraft! Looking forward to your season
As always, thanks for bringing us along and for teaching along the way. Your vids are always excellent.
The Discraft Prinsess!🥰😂 looking forward to seeing Rick tossing some new plastic
I’m really happy for you Rickey!!! So glad you joined the Discraft team.
"looks like they're in the way, but they're not i'm just throwing over" hahaha.... they're DEFINITELY in the way for me. Danger zone for getting absolutely blasted with my 40mph heat