As a fellow (worn out) YouTuber, I can identify with how you feel. Your content is excellent, and I've always enjoyed it. I would enjoy learning more about your creative process. Tutorials are a great idea too. In the tech sphere, I think there is a lot of audience fatigue with reviews. I hope you give yourself a break and restore your creativity. Thank you for all your hard work and great content.
hey Pav, happy new year! I can understand the amount of work required for creating each video and I always enjoy your video even if I already reviewed the same product. It's great you open and talk about it, as I sensed your frustration even back in May when we were in Japan. To be honest, I also feel a bit of burnout. I constantly have a 2-3 months review backlog so I need to I work on reviews pretty much whenever i have time outside my day job. I work on reviews almost every night till midnight , weekends, even during holidays. I have a feeling you are the same. I remember I was really frustrated when I spent a whole month to work on a review, i thought it was a great video but then the view count was horrible. And i felt horrible. But then i have some video got heaps of views/great results that I don't understand. So these days, I tell myself don't worry too much about the stats.. as we can't really control those ourselves. Just enjoy the creation process, try our best and be proud of our work. If it does well, that's awesome. If it doesn't, then at least we probably have learned something ourself when creating the video and had fun so that's good enough for me. I do still feel burnout but try to think positively and enjoy the process. If we can't enjoy it, then no point doing it anymore. Too bad we can't go out for a coffee or photowalk together, but you know how to reach me if you want a call or something and chat with someone who are facing the same problems. You make great videos Pav!
Hello from Taiwan. I've subscribed to you for a long time and your high quality video really always help me a lot on cameras. YouTube is not a easy thing these years anymore, and has become nightmare of many creators. Hope you can find a better balance between life & work & creating content in 2025!
Hey Pav! I think what brought me joy personally is stopping "review review review" and instead creating fun challenges for myself. like 3 months with one camera and lens, or trying a camera that is 10 years old to see what i can achieve. When i do review things now, it's usually what I've bought with my own money or already own in my nerdy camera collection. No pressure then! I think the review treadmill is so exhausting, especially when it's products sent to you. The weight of the brand's expectation is always hanging over your head, even if no money has exchanged hands. I hated it! My advice would be 1 - take a BREAK!!! i intend to in Jan, and we will always be here when you return! 2 - make some plans for projects that excite you! Show off your photography talent, teach people, review something you already own for the hell of it.... find projects that excite you - otherwise what's the point? You're just working away to please brands if it doesnt bring you joy. 3 - if you do experiment, dont worry if views are all over the place. Youtube algorythm hates change, but it will figure it out eventually I think you're great at what you do, just look after yourself and see how you feel after a break. If you can't think of 10 video projects that would excite you after your break, then maybe this has run its course. But i dont think that will be the case 😊
I understand exactly how you feel Pav! I made a lot of camera and review videos in the past (not as consistently as you have) and loved it initially but found it mentally draining towards the end. Making videos I was passionate about whilst still playing the "Youtube game" became a tough balance! I've always loved your videos though Pav and they are always beautifully produced and I know that I'll always be able to see some top notch sample footage and photos from a true pro who clearly has the gift. I actually found this video as I came to your channel looking for your take on the S1Rii and then came across this video. Anyway, best wishes whatever path you may are a very talented man! Ben
Hey Pav, if you need some time off take it, if you want to explore new avenues of content do it, you don't have to do product reviews every video, you can just make videos you like and post them for your audience. I think it's best that content creators focus on making the content they love rather than getting burnt out making companies happy (I know I'm one of the companies, but your mental health is more important than our sales). Cheers Pav and I hope to see you again this year, Happy New Years!
Sorry to hear you're struggling Pav! Sometimes a break can be good, work has been bad this year for me too and I've really taken a break from photography. Being that it's a creative art, you really need to be in the right mindstate for your creativity to be at it's peak. We won't go anywhere, take your time to get your head right and we'll welcome you back once you're ready!
There's nothing wrong with taking a break or mixing things up Pav. I take a month off every year on my guitar channel - usually in January because it's summer here and the break really helps get clarity on where to go, or how to mix things up to make it more fun. Take care Pav! Everyone will be here when you get back. Man, it looks cold there! 😆 Happy 2025 Pav.
Wish you all the best in this new year man! Have been following you channel for a while now and editing tutorials, breakdowns of how you plan/shoot and edit videos would be fun to watch. Also videos like this when you speak about a subject will be cool to watch. The most important thing is that you feel good and enjoy what you are doing! All the best /Markus
This is just so great, how you realize and openly talk about your struggles, thank you very much for that. I think it's very good what is happening: You don't just go on, but you realize and start to change and grow. That really has nothing to do with doing bad. Quitting as a consequence is part of growing. But I am sure you can find ways to so something different, cause it seems that you don't really want to quit this channel. As another fellow said: You can do what you want. New year, new chance. Isn't that wonderful, actually? I wish you the best. :)
Happy New Year PAV, I have been watching your content lately, more so in the last 6 months, also enjoyed your podcast "appearance" on FUJILOVE. What I found really nice on your reviews was that they felt unbiased and rooted to real world use of the gear. Also the visual quality of your videos is second to none. I understand that these 2 aspects of your work is what makes it so hard for you to keep producing these every week. One thing that I would definitely like to see from you is color grading tutorial (photos and video) I really like your approach and I think your meticulous style would be great for this sort of work. Also Photowalks as mentioned are always interesting and seem to be slightly easier with less scripting involved. Thank you for all your work up to now
Sorry to hear you’re struggling Pav. As a photo / video industry professional for over 35 years I know it is hard work to do what you do on Youtube, especially if it’s not your full time job hence why I haven’t done it myself despite so many people telling me I should. In my honest opinion your reviews are some of the best on Youtube, your videos are always about real world use of any product and your sample images and videos are by far the best inspiration to buy anything over any other review of any product and I mean that, I say it all the time - case in point I saved that shot of the mouse in the teaspoon as I loved it so much. I for one would love some behind the scenes looks at your process because everything you shoot looks amazing. Trust me we, your viewers, might not tell you this often but we do appreciate all the work you put into your reviews. Ultimately though if you’re done then so be it, you have to look after yourself first but we will miss you. Whatever you do I thank yo for your reviews and I wish you the best. Take care and hope to see you in 2025.
Just discovered your channel looking for cmaeras and your colors in video and photos are so beautiful. Look forward to whatever you decide is the next step on your journey!
Sorry to hear that mate. I’ve seen it so many times now with people reviewing things they maybe don’t fully believe in, getting caught up in it because it becomes their income and then becoming fed up because it has stripped the fun from the original idea for the channel. Hope you find peace with it all as you’re a great presenter.
Hi Pav, I am a regular viewer, but I don't comment much on any videos at all. I would like to see more behind the scenes, the process, maybe less sitting there talking about a particular item and more out using it, show how you use it, I think people would learn more about it. I like the aspect of learning from someone like you, who has experience and knowledge and comes across in a genuine manner. I have struggled with my photography from time to time, it helps me to watch people like you, it does inspire me to get off my butt and get out there and do something. I keep it real, I know I shoot some bad things, make mistakes and I learn from them. Sometimes youtube channels put too much emphasis on perfection and not enough on the joy. It's great to see the process, learn how to use the camera or lens and see that it's not all perfect. I do hope that you continue, I also understand how you feel, I really do. Hope to see more content from you in the future, Happy New Year!
My friend, don’t quit. I want you to focus on creating something that is fun for you, and it’s only for you. Then, share it with us. When you’re doing routine for years, it gets predictable and boring for you. Now, do videos for you! You deserve to do what’s fun for you! Good luck next year finding that joy.
Man I feel you... I'm going through the same struggles. I, like you, have a complicated process for reviewing, and do it in two languages. I definitely feel your pain
Your content is of extremely high quality, your reviews always have quality pictures and are very well written. If there's a lens or camera that I'm interested in, you're always my first choice. Having said that, you can always change. You are clearly skilled, talented, and disciplined as a photographer and creator, so if you feel like the process has become tedious for you I'd advise two things: 1. Take a break, to see things clearly and to take some of the pressure off your shoulders. 2. Think of what type of videos would be fun for you to make. You know how to do videos, so if you're having fun with them, they will find their audience. Don't do the usual reviews because you feel like you have to, or a tutorial because you think people will watch it. Just concentrate on the type of content that you will enjoy making, change course if you have to, and it'll all work out for you in the long run. Think of your channel as your open canvas, and we will be here for you. Best wishes.
Brother I love your reviews and the personal down to earth approach you always naturally bring (for me, they're among the very best on YouTube) and I think it's not surprising you're feeling this way. If you're able to, why don't you take some time and have a break to rest, recuperate and reflect on what's next for you. I understand financial practicalities may be a factor but some peace and quiet and just being may be the refreshment you need. Do things that you love and that bring you peace and enjoyment. It may just be a mini sabbatical or it may lead to some exciting new possibilities. Bless you mate ❤