Maeno bringing his wife to Enkanomiya on a date is a hilarious image 🤣
Took me this long to realize they really picked shotacon/lolicon duo to be our travelers 🤣🤣🤣
3:02 Holy sheet, that's impersonation by Murase surprised me, like damn what a GOAT VA.
Being a moe moe Yukarin voices lover is indeed something that runs in the blood, yes
sometimes I forget that there's quite a big generational gap between the genshin seiyuus cuz they keep adding more. Cuz you have the kings/queens of the early 2000s to the ones who basically blew up in the 2010's and most likely looked up to the previous generation of seiyuus.
the venti icon matching the teasing to horieru about being a lolicon im dyingggg
3:25 your effort to create this funny skit with their chibis HAHA thank you for your hard work!
Maeno-san bringing Komatsu-san date on Enkanomiya: K: "out of all beautiful place and you choose a place with full of lingering spirit?" M: "b-but look at all those hills? isn't it beautiful? I spend 3 whole day staying here" K: "well at least the BGM is good"
If you listen to a lot of Genshin Radio, you'd notice that Maeno brings up Enkanomiya a lot about it being his favourite location in all of Teyvat. One good episode is where he took Aki Toyosako (Navia's VA) there to do some exploring. The VAs are all extremely consistent with their answers, like Murase brings up his favourite character being Raiden Shogun a lot in all his radio appearances.
Lol just now I notice that It wasn't just Aoi Yuki the lolicon/Shotacon but also Shun Horie is a lolicon too, they really choose the perfect duo for a siblings relationship here xD
lol they're trolling him
Enkanomiya is so pretty though!!!!! I'm definitely on Maeno-san's side on this one. Even the battle theme is top tier!
I'm glad to see my player character's VA shares the same values as me.
2:35 Murase-san going after the throat lol
Enkanomiya is totally beautiful and the bgm has to be my favorite but yeah I agree that it has its creepy sides to it like the lore and monsters roaming around.
Enkanomiya has some of my favorite OSTs. It is a beautiful place when you're not getting killed or stuck on a puzzle. Such a vibe of calm solitude.
One thing I learned about Horieru is that he is one passionate simp, and he tends to do that shy mumbling when he gets teased/shy about who he's simping for. What a guy wwww Thank you for the translation ✨
As someone who's #1 favorite is also unironically Qiqi, and close second favorite is Nahida, I can only say that bro has S tier tastes.
I like the way you put mavuika & zhongli at 3:26 as their VA married couple, but i guess Komatsu-san would be confused because the last time Maeno-san showing teyvat place as 'date' with Ohara-san, it was beauty sumeru forest instead of gloomy hills 😂