
186 spd tingyun. GENUINELY


I'd love if you'd make more Star Rail videos. Your voice and the relaxing music really make you stand out from other creators.


watched the pokke account review, was honestly great, epic account, great takes from you


Thank you for your genuine review of the situation! I think it's really easy to give in and hype up the character and it's strength with how strong the situation makes her feel and look to make clicks and interaction, but I really appreciate the frankness and simple/straightforward review and your honesty

Thanks so much always for all of your hard work!


Enjoy your heartwarming and uplifting stay in the Land of Dreams, Ms. Redfox swtDream


Turbulence definitely helps out but seeing the enemies explode is always funny gameplay for pure fiction. Other characters like Kafka do remarkably. 

The direction is definitely a concern for Pure fiction and MoC being more in favor to those said characters or demanding for a specific support to pull off satisfying results. Ruan Mei is a key example where the devs decided "hey let's go ahead and jack up every toughness bar of everyone in response to Ruan Mei!" and while you currently can brute force still, HP and enemy level thresholds are only continuing to get raised per each release. There are some characters who can straight up bruteforce content like E2 DHIL but that's such a rare kit to see again out of anybody else who's currently released right now, not to mention how much it really takes to even acquire that power level when you're trying to work a roster to answer the game's mechanics being thrown at you.

Only time will tell how they proceed with said content. So far it isn't the worst compared to many other gachas who go from one massive spike to the other, but the raise in artificial difficulty is clearly evident.


I was feeling this way today too! The new moc and pure fiction putting heavy emphasis on new DoT makes it feel like you need to have Black Swan or Kafka (or both) to clear. I've been saving jades for Sparkle but I was a little tempted to get Black Swan...just a little xD As for you Youtube content, I like your character guides but any guide or short review would be good videos, your information is thorough and your voice/music choice make them very enjoyable. Thank you for another video!


I have definitely felt that way for a while and its kinda why it has made me build other characters and even pull for ones I wasnt really interested in before I recently pulled Kafka, while I like the character the playstyle wasnt my favorite so I planned to get her in the future but once I started noticing a lack in performance I pulled for her just to have a coverage for dot buffs, while right now it doesnt feel like the worst I know what you mean when you say youre concerned since even just building the characters feels like Im always trying to catch up to everyone else I feel like Im behind  by a lot and it sometimes gives me fomo about other stuff like the bp or the herta bundles to shorten the gap between where I am and where i want to be with my characters, thank you for the video swtHeart


Awesome Video Keep up with the Great Work!!!


New characters still have overlap with old characters. For example fast enemies are great for Clara even though she is not a DOT character. If the game didn't reward players for building large rosters, then we'd have nothing but artifact farming. Instead we are challenged to come up with team builds instead of Excel simulator.


Thats a good point about moc, and pure fiction being easy for new characters, I'm hope they move toward more of a rotation systems that lets both new and old units shine every so often, for me this moc isn't something i can do well since i dont have a fire, wind, or lighting dps so i had to farm for serval and gui recently to barrly beat floor 11, and ik for sure it would have been super easy with black swan


i definitely agree. i had similar thoughts using blackswan on this pf.


I think  it's great thet you mention the fact that the new endgame content of HSR gets tailored a bit too much to the new units that come out, which is clearly made to incentivize pulling for them. If this is the direction HSR is going, I don't know if the praise the game gets for being "generous" is justified, as it will require more investment to be able to keep up with new content. Not many CC's (if any) ever mention that, so keep up the good work! Also great builds, I'm impresseed by your acc afteer seeing it on pokke's vid :D


Thank you @sweetily ❤ hope can get black swan in this week 🖤🖤 🖤🖤




Man I could enjoy listening to this angel voice talking about anything


I think they need to be able to strike the balance with buffs that incentivize people pulling but don't feel to targeted to only the featured characters. I think that gets easier maybe as they release more characters so that for each niche they can apply buffs that - are extra great for the character they want to sell - while still providing value to others. Great video!


Great video as always , very good information as always swtHug


I think the way HSR incentivizes spending is actually very well done, relatively speaking. As a very low spender ($5/month), I can’t complete the hardest content, but for me the fun in is seeing how far I can get, and I never really feel frustrated or like I’m missing out. And yet, the whales are still whaling, and they don’t seem to be complaining.


I like your honesty about the game