
Lived in birmingham since birth now im 40.
Nothing personal against this guy but this vid is why the Internet is BS.
1. Hockley : highly policed and CCTV Everywhere, birmingham try to protect this place at all costs as its a tourist attraction. The reason it has a bad rep on paper is because narcissistic behaviour brings petty crims here for attention.
2. Sparkbrook : beautiful houses vastly sold to the Pakistani community in late 90s under council schemes, good people really and if you want a smoke then you wont have to sniff the air for too long to find. 😉.
3. Bordesley green : shite hole
4. Small health : same as 3.
5. Ladywood : (where i was raised) good mix of white black and brown, this place taught me that racism is a thing created by a salesmen.
6. Nechalls : poor Black and Asian area with white homeless C heads about regular. 
7. Aston : high Black area worth putting money into bit a lil to far from the city for the council to do it. Lol. Abot of a C head zone again bit some good honest people there too.
8. Handsworth : absolute great area interms of structure and buildings... but its now just a black market capital, anything and everything goes in Handsworth... drugs, girls/boys, violence.
9. Newton... lol : NEWTOWN : well lets just say i went swimming in Newtown 25 years ago at school and the water was brown!!.... im ok from it but i aint really been back there too much since probably cuz of ptsd.
10. Lozells : like all places in brum, if you keep yourself to yourself then people tend to respect your space, but if your one of them guys that like to go searching for something that you dont yet understand, then i suggest that yoh dont dont to lozells after 9pm.


Im surprised that  Erdington isn't on the list.


I've lived in Birmingham all my life 86 years I have never felt threatened. In fact all I have seen especially during the last 10 years is the fantastic improvements that have been made, Most of what you say is made up nonsense.


number 2 is NEWTOWN not Newton.i used to work there for 11 years.regular druggies outside work crashed out.local shops open drug use and open selling of drugs.local drug gangs johnston crew and burger bar boys (Lozells area also) regular shootings/stabbings/murders due to drug gangs/turf wars


It's not the place it's the people in them


Handsworth is north-west Birmingham mate, not north-east.


No way is The Bullring in Ladywood.


As a brummie where is Newton


I thought that classing the city center as being in Ladywood was wrong, but after looking at the areas' constituency mapping, the overall name given to virtually all of the central and eastern part of the city is Ladywood, so in saying that, almost all of the areas shown here could be considered as being the Ladywood,
I used to live on St Vincent St West and thought that the estate was just the local blocks, houses, and schools too.
As for the final clip showing Lozells, the picture where you show three teenage boys standing near some blocks of flats is actually on New John St West and I do believe that this street is in Newtown, not Lozells, although they are neighbouring areas. The flats to the left of the picture are still there, but the ones in the distance, slightly to the right of the center, have since been demolished.
The buildings to the right of the picture, I believe, have also now gone, probably to allow widening of the road over the years.
But other than that, thanks for this item as it brings back memories.


My fellows in Portugal think I exxagerate and 'i'm intolerant'. I lived 8 yrs in Handsworth, months in Aston and Sparkbrook, worked in Aston and Nechells for years, Hockley, Lozells and Newtown were regular foot paths, and Ladywood, Bordesley, Small Heath, were right there. As a pasty white Euro fellow I've SEEN IT. Who says otherwise is ignorant or Delulu Promaxâ„¢


Poor. Selfridges is not in Ladywood ward its in the Aston quarter opposite moor st station and there's no such place as NEWTON in Birmingham. Im glad I left Birmingham in 1997, its so dangerous, worse than London where I live now


Aston is not where aston university is


The common denominator in all these areas doesn’t get a mention


Newtown ,Nechells,Aston definatel pretty bad,
It's quite scsrey walking on these streets


Not surprised about Handsworth, arson attack on a bus not long ago


Lozells next to Handsworth


Why make videos on cities that you know nothing about whatsoever? A man said the bullring is in ladywood lmao


2 men were just shot in the smethwick area a few days ago


I'm shocked Balsall Heath wasn't on there, Edgbaston Rd where i once lived was corner to corner with Ladies of the Night in the lates 80s early 90s, just looked up crime rates now one of the 4 safes places in Birmingham to live


The economic reason doesn't really do anything to explain the sheer immorality involved