I was shia until November 2020 and I left for the reasons he said and more. Alhamdulillah for Islam. Quran and the Sunnah is the way.


May Allah reunite the ummah Aameen


Make Dua for my father, he passed away yesterday
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون


لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ


May Allah almighty guide all shia. Ameen.


Im a sunni and living with shia family. Not ever for once they say kafir to Sunni / sahaba companions


As a ex Shia Iranian . Shia is different religion. They hate companion . And make horrible comments from their dirty mouths.  to mother عایشه رضی الله عنها


With due respect sheikh answers the question in a critical way I'm a sunni.
I fully acknowledge shias are Muslims and may God protect us all as one ummah,   what ya sheikh Hakeem is saying it's a believe system for some shias not the majority of shias insult that's totally wrong Khomeini himself make a fatwa against insulting the prophet and his companions


I'm Shia, I don't curse the prophets companions. I don't believe the Quran has changed. Strange where has he heard shias saying the Quran has changed? Isn't that one of the main beliefs of Muslims that that Quran is flawless?


I am Shia and seeing this makes my believe even stronger because not a single thing is true not even close and showed me this guy is just trying to divide 😂


But Muhammad didn't say you should yourselves call sunnis. This is innovation again


This is very humbling!


This is very disingenuous, go to any Shia mosque and you will find the EXACT same Quran.


The difference is shias are no cowards while sunnis are  who is helping Gaza who are sunnis..


Whoever says La ilaha illallah, muhammadu rasoolullah is a muslim. May make mistakes and be sinful, but is still muslim. May Allah guide us all ameen.


I am Shia,I pray, fast, and celebrate Eid with my Muslim sunni brothers for the past 50 years, only when I hear that the Ahl UL Beit are not reverered and respected,I cut my relationship, Alhamdullahi I have never encountered a Sunni Muslim bad mouthing Ahl UL Beit


Okay now you're just making stuff up. Shias don't say there are different versions of the Quran. This is an absolute lie. You should debate a Shia Imam.


Thank you dear shaikh. Jazakallahul khairan.


I am Shia and this is not what I'm taught, we take the religion from Quran and the prophet (peace be upon him) and he told us muslims : اني تارك فيكم الثقلين ما إن تمسكتم بهما لن تضلوا: كتاب الله وعترتي أهل بيتي وأنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض. 

We don't hate anybody, but we don't like anyone who hurts the prophet or his beloved family, and we don't like anyone who hurts Islam and Muslims, we stand against them because it's our duty not our hatred

Islam's strength had never been the number of Muslims mainly.
In conclusion, we are on the prophet's Sunnah by doing what he told is in حديث الغدير and my other hadiths.

the proof are the there look for them from the main sources and judge with knowledge and a clear heart.

And again, I'm not an enemy to any other Muslim who wants unity to the Umma we're in this together and Allah is the judge.

Peace be upon you all.


Sheikh I wasn't expecting this kind of answer from you. Shia scholars refute all the claims you are making. In Pakistan there are Shia scholars who say "May Allah be pleased with him" with the name of AbuBakr and Umar. Khumeini gave fatwa in Iran that cursing the wives of Prophet SAW is haram. They also believe in the same Quran and no one among them say that the Quran Ahlul Sunnah have is different. 
All these things you say are just because of your hatred towards them. It's a typical wahabi attitude most of the Arab scholars have. 

Fear Allah, what if Allah holds you accountable for things you say which are not true??? May Allah guide us all.