
The mind truly is a powerful construct


As soon as he said “hypnosis” I was like ‘ohhhh the voice makes sense now’ buttery smooth, get this man a radio gig.


Starting therapy was probably the best decision I ever made. I also took meds for a while when my illness was worse. My sister is a therapist as well and she always says that therapy works without meds but meds work better with therapy in most cases.


I usually explain it like a pool vs the ocean. Therapy helps me learn and utilize the best techniques to “swim”. I’m not going to be able to swim well enough to fight the waves of the ocean, which is what it feels like when I’m not on medication. But when I am taking it, it’s more like swimming in a pool. In both cases, I have to swim (ie do the work), or I’ll drown. But one is way more manageable than the other. It’s not a perfect metaphor, but so far it’s been the most effective way to explain to people why I need both.


I needed my meds to get to a point where I could function for therapy but therapy is definitely what improved everything in the long run. Especially exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. I have really severe depression and social anxiety which I have been hospitalized for a few times. Therapy has always helped. Just make sure you have the right therapist.


It’s been proven by studies that the best thing, to not relapse (quickly), is to combine medicine and psychotherapy. It’s working for me, though finding the right medicine has definitely been a trip, but I’m so happy we found the right mixture for me in the end.


I really thrived with the hypnosis therapy along with my medications. The information provided to me during my therapy sessions has continued to benefit me decades later.


I agree 100%. The only problem is access and cost for psychotherapy.


As a massage therapist I have a client who had a really bad car accident. Long story shot he needed so many surgeries to save his leg that eventually he became allergic to anesthesia so his last surgery had to be done under hypnosis…. And I freaked tf out because I have never heard of this before. Cool idea if you ask me!


I've never been fully hypnotized.  However, I can't take antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds because I have REALLY BAD side effects.  Talk therapy helps me so much.  Even just talking to or writing to friends helps me.


This is so true and it's really not letting people help to get care that could help them.


I am unable to take certain medications for my BPD and ADHD which was discovered and diagnosed this year, due to my heart condition which I have a pacemaker. My life has completely changed from the pacemaker and therapy for my adhd. I am so at peace, I can talk to myself and ask myself how im feeling, I can say out loud to family if im anxious or feel a panic attack coming on, i understand my triggers and why I used to lash out, simply from being overstimulated, but I DIDNT KNOW!!! Psychotherapy is a wonderful thing if being used to treat the correct illnesses, I was recieving therapy for depression from a counsellor for years between age 18 and 21, wrong wrong wrong. Unfortunately, the treatment for depression will only infuriate a person with ADHD, as the coping mechanisms are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! Diagnosis first, therapy second, medication as a final resort


Love the editing, it’s like having a a audiobook textbook 

Dr. Mike wants up to actually learn! Who not be a doctor! Keep yo the good work 
Sam and Mike we notice 😊


Really interesting!!!


Not entirely convinced on hypnosis specifically, but I do agree that psychotherapy can do just as much if not more than more direct treatments. The mind is extremely complicated and these non tangible issues can have real effects on the body


My grandad went to hypnosis sessions and stopped smoking, it clearly works. Unfortunately he still had long-term complications from smoking for years but that’s been and gone, he’s doing much better now


this man’s voice is already doing something 😂


My brother is in phycotheripy and it has helped him so much


The mind is such a powerful took


Thank you.@doctor mike❤.