
People do not realize how fast a Dog can do major damage! I feel so much empathy for anyone who gets bit or attacked.


Reconstructive surgery is incredible. I know a lot of people are down on plastic surgery for being vain, but actually the people getting vanity surgeries help maintain cosmetic surgery as an industry so people who need serious reconstructive work can get it.


I follow a woman who is a burn victim that just had this surgery done. Her results were simply amazing! Her nose is gorgeous and her quality of life has turned around. I’m so happy for both women. ❤❤


As a doctor ....THIS ....this is the reason and main goal of plastic surgery....not rhinoplasty or butt lifts just restoring the normal features of the human face.


Plastic surgeons who do reconstructive surgeries have made so many peoples lives better beyond belief. Their talents amazing. What patience


The miracles that plastic surgeons work for people are truly amazing. Thanks for sharing. I wish her the best too.


My son had this exact same procedure when he was bitten by a pit bull and his nose was completely bitten off… the whole nose! He was 3 and my husband has just passed away so I was left to do this alone. After 4 plastic surgeries he has a nose again but it’s very very flat… once he quits growing they will do one more procedure to finalize his for head flap and hopefully give him a normal looking nose! For now though he has a lot of scar tissue right above his eye where they twisted the flap… its just a big bulge there and obviously massive scaring on his forehead and nose 😩 he’s finally healed up and as normal as can be for the time being!


She is so cool for showing everyone so we can learn about it.  I love that people aren’t afraid to show things like this about themselves.  We never know what’s coming our way.  I like her perseverance.


Dr. Youn, I'd love to see more videos like this! It's amazing how people figure this stuff out!


Forehead flaps are so cool! First indications of this procedure as reconstructive surgery date back to 700 BC in India and the fact that it has been perfected and kept as the gold standard for nasal reconstruction is so immensely cool to me.


It’s amazing what they have come up with in the medical field

But imma faint


I've seen reconstructive surgeons do some absolutely incredible procedures! It blows my mind everything they can do. They definitely deserve every penny they make, bc all of the schooling, skills, hours and hours on each procedure and giving pple their lives back and some who have never had normal lives.. they are definitely miracle workers! Thank goodness for them! ❤


That’s so incredible. I wish her a speedy recovery ❤


Dr Youn is always SO sweet when describing other people’s looks-and so kind to give her a shout out and promotion her account!! I’d seriously wish everybody who reposts someone else’s videos did so, the same way he does!!🙏👏💪


She is one brave soul. I have so much respect for people who have been through hell & are not only standing tall, but sharing the struggles to inspire & motivate other people to fight their own battles 💕


She's so brave, hope she healed well


you mentioned you would link her account in the description but the description says "No description has been added to this video.". Could you please link me to her profile or add it to your description? I'm so interested in following her journey! Thank you!


Bless you with a fast recovery and hopefully the pain will diminish. 
My prayers are with you


My Father had something similar done when he had a huge chunk of cancerous tissue on his cheek. Most of his cheek was removed and a flap from his scalp was used. Whenever he got an itch on his head, he'd feel his cheek itch too 😂 
After about a year, you couldn't tell he had surgery, he had a fantastic plastic surgeon. It's so important to use sunscreen, he had been working in Egypt for a year and a half with the Army Corps of Engineers and he never used sun protection on his face.


I ADORE this woman and her strength to talk about this procedure.