So, mid 2022… I was notified I would be going on a deployment. Evanescence was on your, and the band has always been my favorite. I bought meet and greet tickets, and was able to send a question in. Well, she read it during the meet and greet. I asked if she would autograph my arm so I could get it tattooed. She did just that, I got a personal one on one meet and greet, with a pic, her autograph on my arm, I saw them two more times before I went. The second one, she remember med who I was and told me to come over so she could see how the tattoo turned out, and she loved it. The third concert, she actually remembered me by name and I got meet her again. She is by far so much sweeter than stated in this video. I will continue to see the band every chance I get to.
I think she was right to stand her ground and not go the pop route like Ben intended the band to do. I wouldn't be a big Evanescence fan if they did this because I love how they incorporate classical into the hard rock/metal sound. If you have a vision, don't let anyone sway you from it. I think that's why people would say others are difficult because they don't want to do what they say.
It doesn't seem like any of these people were let go for petty reasons. Even with their scathing comments, it sounds like Amy stuck to her principles and has remained consistent with them for the entire duration of the band's existence. She doesnt want the band to sell out, she doesn't want the band to be media scandal bait and shes more than willing to stand up for that. I can understand, that on a personal level, her passion could easily get in the way of her interpersonal relationships, but evanescence has seen massive success and longevity over the years for a reason, and that's because its daring and authentic which is the attitude that Amy maintains and is willing to enforce.
Ben reportedly wanted to move in a more commercial and poppy direction while Amy wanted to explore a more artistic sound. If that is correct, then Amy was better off without him. There's already too much commercial pop crap on the radio as it is.
"Fallen" is a masterpiece. Too bad Ben and Amy had a falling out, so to speak. Ben was an excellent guitarist. The guitar in "My Last Breath" is just beautiful.
I love Amy Lee's voice and enjoy Evanescence' music. I have seen them a few times over the years and am always satisfied. She's certainly in my top 5 female vocalists. I only know her as a performer though, so putting praise aside those that were in the band and/or closer to her are left to speak for her as a person. Very few, if any, artists (music or otherwise) are without detractors for any number of reasons. It's not unreasonable to think that she could rub someone the wrong way. The commentary here doesn't make her out to be a bad person, but perhaps her passions get in the way of her relationships.
The chick being fired was justified. You don't leak personal Vital Information to your fan club. What are you doing with a personal fan club anyway you're in Evanescence
Evanescence is phenomenal as a whole but when it comes down to it it's Amy's voice I came to listen to 💞
Amy Lee and Florence Welch are two of the best (Lyric)Mezzo-Sopranos in the Industry today; gorgeous voices.
First and foremost, not all band members get along. I respect Amy for who she is. I've always liked Evanescence for the songs and lyrics. I wish all members, past and present, well.
And now the line up are Tim, he's been with Evanescence since 2006, Troy and Will Hunt since 2007 and Emma since last year, I believe. So... Was it Amy the trouble or the other guys?
Don't care about the gossip drama b.s. She's an outstanding singer and the band is good especially live.
To be fair, I don't know any of these people nor was I around to know the situations. But I appreciate the music and the concerts I saw and that's all I'm really qualified to have an opinion on.
Amy Lee collaborated with Korn back in 2007. It was Korn MTV unplugged
I just recently saw Amy Lee and Evanescence in Brisbane live I love Amy Lee I can tell from a distance she seems like she has a beautiful soul and a beautiful person inside and out ❤️
In reference to Jen Majura being fired - maybe learn to keep your mouth shut and you won't get fired. She's lucky she didn't get sued.
Lets be real... Amy's voice was ground breaking and is what SOLD the albums. How many people had no idea band members were switching? Die hard fans, sure, but it made no difference to listeners. So... Amys voice is making the money that then gets split between ALL members. Maybe she wanted people she worked well with to share HER money with. Whoever has song writing credit deserves their part but she is WHY is sold.
Literally she got rid of 2 ungrateful touring live members John and Rocky who played very dull, they apported nothing in songwritting even when given the opportunity and Live they played the same thing every night, no fills, nor new solos, John was lazy and he replicated Ben solos instead of coming up with his own solos.... Rocky only left bc he was bff with John whom was fired after spilling details of Amy Lee´s wedding, she had to cancel the hotel where she was gonna be bc the media all knew about it and reduced her wedding to be made in her grandma's backyard instead.. Her wedding included David Hodges and live member and ex basssist Will Boyd both being bestmans on the wedding, she clearly only had an issue with John for not keeping his mouth shut,,, and Ben Moody well they used to date, then he was pissed and hated the fact Amy had moved on with Shaun Morgan in 2003, his toxic and undiagnosed bipolar ways led to him leaving the band in the middle of the tour..... Tim McCord, Will Hunt and Troy McLawhorn has been in the band for over 16 years playing with Amy, touring 4 album cycles and cowritting with Amy in 3 of them, 2 of those records became #1..... The only reason Terry had to left in 2015 is due to his health condition after years struggling with his left paralysis due to the stroke he had in 2005.... if it wasnt for him stepping out due to his health, Evanescence would still be the same lineup since 2006-2007.
Former fired band mates are NEVER going to say positive things. #betterwithoutyou