The bathroom rule should have been in place in 2014.
The biggest issue for me is the time from the player marking their lie, to the disc exiting said player’s hand. Over 30 seconds is blatant “gainsmanship”.
I think the pro tour is confusing pace of play and pace of throwing. How long it takes someone throw an individual shot and how long it takes them to play a round are two different things. They gave him a time warning at the pro tour championship then on the very next hole his card was backed up waiting on the chase card. Gannon throws 15-20 strokes less per round than the people at the bottom of the leaderboard. It’s hard for me to believe that he is playing slower than them.
I think the pdga needs to get out of dictating competition. They should focus on rules of the game, and allow other organizations to come up with their own tour or competition standards. Like many other sports do. They should be the governing body of the game, not the business/competition side. The new rules on underserved divisions will effectively kill off pro underserved divisions. Why would a TD offer a fa50 division with proportional added cash only for one person to sign up and walk away with four times their entry. The reality is TDS are just not going to offer pro underserved divisions. Especially given that another rule requires the opposite division to be offered for at least one week. For the Am side, I think it makes total sense.
Mom, wake up. Disc Golf Drama uploaded again.
Are there actually consequences for time violations, because I have yet to see them. And if there are no consequences, there’s not even need for a rule. If I watch an NBA game and the 24-second clock runs out, I immediately see the consequences. If the 30 seconds runs out on the disc golf course, at most I see a “who, me?” look.
I have definitely had pace of play issues on B-C tiers. Sometimes, it was me. Lost discs on blind shots or discs stuck in trees can slow any group down. What I noticed (playing with a few pros on my card) the people that are at a higher level of play take more time than shmucks like me. But they don't toss as many discs into trees and have to go look for them in the brambles either.
All for removing step putting all together. Just putt it. If you need more distance learn a different putting style or do a soft throw. Gannon can keep his foot behing his lie at over 100ft. Most people can do 60 if they try. I've convinced people I know to remove stepping before like 40 and they actually make more now.
New fairness rule: if your last name is Buhr you start with a 10 stroke penalty
It's gotta be really frustrating to hear, but I really appreciate Bobby Leonard being completely honest. You can't even begin to assess a situation if you're not honest about where you currently stand within it.
As the cards go out add all small amount of time between them increasing towards the last card ?
Love this format, DGPT/PDGA info broken down quickly and to the point.
It’s really not complicated at all. The confusion is the goal, the fight.
Please tell me they banned biological men from participating in FPO
Pace of play is a factor at 99% of events. One of the top 3 reasons i dont play PDGA events anymore.
Pace of play problem is sorta fan based they got used to post production now the one complaining the most are watching live. I played the memorial as a NT in 2012 had numerous 15 min waits on tees. Few holes at every course have back ups when full. Play casual in pretty much any city
Pace of play problem #1... Who the heck is timing anyone.. and some disc positions in the woods take 30 seconds just to find a safe footing... so the 30 sec.. rule is BS...
We need Ricky, Brodie, Gannon and Nikko on a card. It should even out!
Um all of that data from statmando… does he mean all of the data that udisc captures that statmando doesn’t? Oops.