
edit: hey guys, as of this message I'd like to mention that the link to the server is broken. Pastries is moving to another server, I will attach the new link once it goes public :)

hey everyone!

Let's be supportive and kind to all servers ^^  begging for free art is typically considered very rude and disrespectful in the art community,
please consider commissioning artists from the server instead! 
I do endorse all acts of kindness and support, go do that, like right now.

Thanks for always being awesome, carry on now


The fact that the first reactions were probably 100% genuine too. If someone took any amount of time to draw my ocs I'd die on the spot, beginner or not. Plus, the first drawings really weren't that bad


Why were the “bad” ones so cute 😭


"I used to hide the hands-"

Me sinking back in my chair remembering all my past drawings-


bro ur “bad” ones are actually better than my ACTUAL drawings when im locked in😭🙏


Imagine being drawn by this person and then say "Oh wow that's so good." And then they proceed to send you the most peak like art in existence


Her on the first one: lemme make a scuffed version
her drawing a masterpiece that would take forever for beginners


Your scuffed art gives the impression of someone who has lots of practice with headshots but hasn't figured out the body yet. The lineart and proportions of the head always looked way cleaner than the rest.


3:55 that is such a cool art style. It reminds me of something


For someone going for a “beginner” those drawings were actually so so good- they have a certain feeling where you can tell it was made by a artist who’s good at what they do as a silly doodle. They’re way better than my art and super clean they really weren’t bad at all


I like how all the "scuffed" versions look like pretty good to me and are way better then anything i could do


orb please im trying to sleep

it's been four months since I posted this please stop replying

it's been 9 months, im still trying to sleep


I love how in your art the shading is just a bunch of bright colors


I love how this video DOESNT mercilessly make fun of beginner artists but actually points out the common traits most beginner artists have in a realistic non judemental way.


« Now I’m in high school » took me out for a second. I had to pause the video and reflect for a moment before I could come back to reality.


Bro, I'm watching this expecting truly scuffed art, then you start the first "bad" piece and I'm just like, oh, I'm just bad then


You and a couple artists have helped me on my art journey. And your commentary is really nice and to me it makes it feel very caring and family-like. Thank you, and you are just amazing.


As someone who received fanart for a fic that was basically just like. Flat colored pencils. And it’s one of my favorite fanarts I’ve received. I guarantee those reactions to the scuffed images were genuine. When you’ve got OCs it doesn’t matter the quality of fanart you get for them you’re just stoked to see your babies


As an experienced artist, it's hard to imitate the mistakes that beginners make. I feel like you did a great job at showing off art that's still "good" in most peoples' eyes but is capable of improvement.


I look at the drawings, look at my drawings, cry internally, then realize this person is way better than me and I just give up