
⭐FOREO BEAR 2: https://flip.go2cloud.org/SHiF

🎥BEAR 2 | 30-DAY challenge video: https://youtube.com/live/pLTvN2w_vnU


I was watching another YouTubers channel and they plugged your channel and said you give the best and thorough description with devices! What a great compliment!!! Way to go Darcy!!!


I was using the Bear.  I just received my Bear 2 today.  I am very happy I found your channel.  Thank you ❤


My favorite blogger. A person who is very responsible for her work and her audience.
Thank you very much Darcy for the video.


Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. I’ve had my Bear 2 for abt a week now and was really apprehensive abt using it because FOREOs instructions on the app are vague at best. ❤ looking forward to the challenge!


Thanks, Darcy, this was so helpful. I'm saving all your videos about the bear to show my mum when I give her a bear 2 for christmas. She'll be over the moon, I'm sure.


This video is amazing - you have managed to take it to the next level and made it easier for me to decide. Bear 2 it is


I really appreciate your clear explanations. Just received my first Foreo Bear 2, can't wait to start using it.


Thank you!!


Thank you for a very detailed video.  I just got the Bear2 and was disappointed to find some of the treatments are subscription only.


Hi Darcy.  I'm new here. Thanks for all your content!  I haven't used Microcurrent Devices before, and there seems to be so much to know!  I've just purchased the BEAR 2 but have yet to start using it.  I have some questions, please.
1. Can you please tell me if having some porcelain dental crowns in my mouth, that are fused to metal, on 2 of my molars, means that I shouldn't use the BEAR 2?  The BEAR 2 manual talks about "metal implants" being a contraindicator,  but I don't personally consider the dental crowns as "implants", as with crowns, the metal isn't implanted into the body. A dental "implant" is usually a replacement of tooth roots with metal & screw like posts, penetrating the gums and jaw, but I don't know what Foreo considers as metal implants, and so far I haven't been able to get an answer about this from them.
I am worried about using the BEAR 2 until I find out the answer to this..  It'd be great if you could let me know, please.  I would really appreciate it.  
2. The same goes for the amalgam fillings some people have in their teeth, they are also metal.. so would they be an issue too? 
Thank you in advance, Darcy. 💝 
Kind regards, Jo G.


Thank you so much for your help! I just got my device and this is an amazing guide


Hi Darcy. Thank you for your tutorials, they are fantastic. Could you please do a tutorial on how to use the Foreo Bear 2 on legs to treat cellulite? I assume It is not necessary to get the Bear 2 body to treat that area? Thanks in advance


Hi! I love your tutorials - they are so informative and professional! Are you planning to do a tutorial on Foreo Bear 2 eyes and lips as well? It would be so useful. Greetings from London :)


Oi Darci. Obrigada pelo vídeo . Estou querendo comprar o bear 2, mas um pouco receosa . Temo não saber usar o app direito .  🙊
Entre o nuface, ziip halo e bear 2, qual prefere?
Bjo p vc


Hi Darcy, I've just bought the foreo bear 2 and on my first try with it, I couldn't feel the intensities what could I be doing wrong ?


🎉thank you sooo much .i put like before i see the video. Because i waited this video for more 2 months ago .


Thank you so much for your efforts in this video ❤


Thank you for a great and informative video.  How long should I aim to use it every day?  Thank you


Excellent video, very well explained 😊