
Does anyone know if there is a CV wide angle joint or a double cardan wide angle joint that is built for 1550 series specs? Can't seem to find any above a 1480 series. Thanks!


I know the owner of Logan Clutch, in Westlake Ohio. Solid guy. Family run company!


Thank you Logan Clutch for helping out Welker Farm guy's.....Thank you Scott.....God Bless                                                                                                  
Old F-4 pilot Shoe🇺🇸


I am absolutely loving this Big Bud series of videos. As soon as I watch one, I can’t wait for another episode to drop. 
Thanks Welker’s!


Another reason why Scott is priceless to the people at Welker Farms .. 
Thank you very much .. Logan Clutch !!
Now the dream of a manual PTO on a Big Bud is a reality ...  
Great Job Scott!!


Love hearing about companies working with an end user to solve a problem.  As a maintenance person in an industrial setting called a US company over a 38 year career.  One of my calls at the last part of my career was talking to a company tech person.  Mentioned that I had talked to her company over a long period of time, and mentioned the man's name that I had spoken to.
The lady said yes, that is my father.  Of course I passed on good tidings as he was slowing down for retirement.
Glad the clutch solution has a good chance for success.  As a retired person, watch a lot of you tube.   Happened on Welker Farms when looking for Big Bud tractors.  Really enjoyed the Welker site for the two generation farming operation.  Keep up the great work rebuilding the farm equipment.  Especially like the staying away from the electronics, and sticking with the tried and true, mechanically injected, diesel engines.  Welker family, have a Blessed Day!


You guys and other farmers from Montana are the best ambassadors  possible!!  From Tony Fast to the manufacturers of the Big  Buds, awesome!!


Incredible. I don’t know how you do it Scott and Nick. Plus raise families, finish your new homes, get ready for spring planting.


I LOVE the crowdsourcing of ideas & parts from viewers. There’ll be a little of some of us on the Big Bud. You have a large following, a lot of knowledge to share.


I like the community advice coming together for PTO design.  I hope the end result is as good as the tips seem to be!


when you paint the bud Logan clutch needs a spot on that paint job


Ya know, if you just get decals for the brand of everything you have retrofitted onto the tractor, or used in the build, all you have to do is apply the primer and then put on the decals, there wouldn't much space to paint! Amazing to watch y'all do what you are doing with this Bud! 👍👍


Thanks Logan Clutch for taking a load off of Scott’s mind!!! You can see the relief on his face 😊🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


I've used some of Logan Clutch's products on oil service equipment; great group of folks to work with!


This is great advertising for Logan Clutch.   I'd never heard of them before.   It's like Lock n Lube grease gun ends.   I learned about them through youtube also.


When you guys started talking mechanical PTO Logan Clutch was the only company that came to mind.


So nice of different companies and individuals helping you out on this awesome build.


Scott + Logan Clutch = Kid in a candy store. Some Assembly Required.
Nice solution.


Make sure you use spline grease  on the pto shaft going into your logan clutch. I have had tp butcher apart many pto mounted pumps because no one used spline grease.


nick...you sure look soooo much better welcome back buddy....