
His arm is just a disc golf life hack


Kyle is doing what we're doing.....watching this shot.


That’s Anthony Barela


Throwing that far is insane! Hitting an island  that far is unreal!!!


From the thumbnail I'm like thats AB i was literally just talking to a family that knows his family and I see Kyle Klein's name im like no i KNOW thats the back of AB 😂


This shot is probably so much more impressive if you follow from the first angle and dont switch to the second camera. We lose all context of distance and flight path. Please use the zoom function and show us the whole flight of the disc.


I always think the same thing that that's the caption but that's the next suggested video the caption is below that


What disc was he throwing?


but what about EO hole 16.....


The accuracy is what impressed me the most. I think a lot of people have the arm to do that but very few can throw that hard with any kind of touch.


How far was it? (For us noobs)


That's AB, not Kyle.


Is that John Krasinski commentating? Sounds just like him


I've been there in person. That's not really that impressive.


Bro who is doing these captions …fire them