
Dude kouvr is such a mood that we all need

(Omg this got hella likes thx tho 🥰


Me: setting the profile pic of the group chat as a mug of my friend and feeling proud
Alex: exposing them in a billboard
Hmmm I need to step up my game 😂


Alex: "I miss you guys so much."
Tana: "we miss you, hi." 1:57
Alex: "you guys making me so feel better about this vlog."
Harry: "ok, he like it."


imagine driving in LA, stopping in a traffic light, looks up and sees freakin THOMAS on a billboard


I swear every vid either kouvr is begging for somthing or she is hitting Calvin Michael or patty

Holy shit this blew up FAST




Like the within 10 minutes here!!


For the 1% of people reading this have a great day and god bless you


Alex:no I'm not going doing it
*next clip*. 
Alex:(doing it)


no one:

literally no one:

Calvin: are u gonna take the money that he put in?
Patty: now he paid for it I thought...
Calvin: oh taking daddy’s money huh


the fact that Alex was stressing over Michael falling but he was just chill falling


Alex; Leaks thomas's number
Thoma: "TiMe To CHanGe mY fUcKiNg NuMbEr"


I love Alex so much ahh and i really love when he is messing around with Tana and Harry... 😂


Kouvr is such a mood lmao


am i the only one who loves how loyal and nice Alex is🥺


I love those two they’re so cute together


no one:

literally no one:

Pat: dont forget to give us a review on yelp


You should put embarrassing pictures of Vinnie on a billboard. That would be hilarious😂


I love how Calvin and patty are different characters everyday 😭


Alex does SOOO much for his friends and they all apreciate that im so happy for them and ily alex