
It almost looks like you don’t know what to do with your hands lol happy to see you in your own vlog! We need more content like this❤️


When Kouvr said “ready to go iceskating” for Alex it was more like highskating


The fact that you got out of your comfort zone I'd absolutely inspiring!!! You awesome Alex!!! I've always watched your videos even back before you surprised kouvr in Hawaii 🙏 you guys are all awesome and this vlog is legit funny asf 🤣🤣


I'm so happy I can genuinely see that Alex enjoyed making this vid , proud of you bro, looking good btw


i'm so happy that iley is back in the vlogs great member of alex's vlogs


alex never fail to entertain us best youtuber ever


This is officially my favorite vlog... ever.


We need more videos like this!


Never fails Alex high is a vibe 🙏🏽


Dead ass a goated YouTuber. Living the life with his best friends/wife


I usually watch YouTube on my TV so I don’t comment often if ever, but I enjoyed this blog so much I had to get my phone and tell you this blog was hands down the best you tube video I’ve watched in quite some time! The content, the editing, the people, Kouvr, and of course your face were all super amazing!


I love ur videos so much Alex ur so funny and I'm glad we get to see it face now 😁


hello, I'm from Ukraine and there is a very strong war here now.  60% of the time I'm in the basement, but your videos motivate me to break out and visit America, thank you very much for your work, I respect you, stay the same cool blogger, thanks again 🙏



seeing you more on camera is great, I love to see your smile :) I also love the high imagination moment HAHAHAHA bro wtf

I love you so much, YOU WERE RIGHT ON TWITTER! this video it's amazing ❤️❤️


Wow I love this Alex is not behind the camera so exciting


I died when Patrick went look a viloso-virgin


This is my favorite blog of yours! Love seeing you on camera! I love watching your blogs, but this one is hands down the best yet!


This is a whole office vibe vlog 😂


One of my fav vlogs yet :,) ❤️


Omg my absolute favourite vlog ever💙 not alex going high skating