
Trading turns for ult. Fair trade.


Action forward ❌️❌️❌️
Action backward ✅️✅️✅️


Blud got buried six feet with that delay 😂😂😂


that's why AV delay enemies are the worst, they screw over your whole rotation and laugh at your avdancers


I start crashing out everytime there's a new boss 😂😅


Player do action forward : "this is good"
Enemy delay your action : "is that even legal??"


I hate so much wolf boss, he is like "nuh I would like to move over and over and over again, till all your characters die"


Swarog filtering all the hyper carry teams:


the enemy giveth, the enemy taketh


This is why you need the twins if you want her to be OP.. my Agalaea is so strong and I still don't have Sunday's LC because he flopped right before Fugue.. Agalaea, Sunday and Robin is the wae


MrPokke my MOC got save by MIMI! THATS WHY WE LOVE MIMI


Thats a good mechanic!That way we can have a fair and balance battle


My the herta also got that kind of treatment


For anyone who listens to aespa do yall also hear bgm and think it sounds like their song sun and moon? 😭


Its the Anti DDD 😂


Aglaea try to deal damage challenge (impossible)


Hello mr hoyoshill


maybe if mr pokke wasnt greedy and stupid he wouldnt have gotten action delayed


Why do asian CCs use this cringe song? Reminds me of Atsu


First times😏