Yummy from Canada
تحفه جدا وغير مكلفه اقتصاديه تسلم ايديكى تحيه طيبه لكى من دوله مصر الغاليه الحبيبه
j'aime vos recette , moi à 87ans je cuisine beaucoup et mes petits enfants et amies , amis me téléphone et me demande ont peut venir déjeuner ,ils ont toujours la réponse , oui vous êtes les biens venues cela me fait plaisir et m'occupe beaucoup , à bientôt que Dieu vous bénis et vous garde en bonne santé
I'm liking your videos.. the music is calming but food looks so yum yummy.. I don't know how to cook great so I will take all the advice and input I can get. I'm from S. East in the USA. The food here isn't always a healthy meal and wanted to learn more ways to cook things myself. I appreciate your help. You're not too slow or fast, just keep it nice and flowing.. you make it an experience not a rush job.. wink 😉 I will keep watching
Terimakadih , sdh ngantuk sy,,,besuk nonton lg
Buenos dias que ricas patata🎉🎉
Super! Mulțumim!
Desde España… que rico 😋 10
Ulya, dari Indonesia suka sekali dg fidio2 ini. Mau tanya yg dimasak seperti timun spa terong ya suzhi itu apa ya. Tdklambat, cukup
Not 1 patata😂 1 Pentolo😅😂
Cuaca di sini hujsn terus, jadi dingin
It would be better to cut the vegetables faster.
Yessss are to slow.
10.. even If I want grab it through my TV and eat yours, does that count?? lol
Too many recipe in one video
Die Schalen von Kartoffeln sollte man nicht essen, da sie giftiges Solanin enthalten. Ansonsten finde ich Ihr Rezept gut.
الطقس بدوله مصر بارد جدا وانتم كيف حال الطقس عندكم
Peringkatnya 10. Ensk sekali ini ada sausnya, cums ada beberspa bhn ug aku tdk tahu.