
I've been watching lexi since forever and i've watched her grow and I'm happy seeing her happy


I got a hugz for my birthday because I have struggled with mental health and I love them so much! Lola goes everywhere with me thank you so much for creating them❤❤❤


14:21 their little handshake is so cuteeeee


Anyone else think that this is some of the best hair Lexi has ever had??? love you


I bought a hugz sloth and it honestly helps me when I’m going though cramps and headaches or whenever I’m sad and it really does help. At first I didn’t know if it would actually work but it did and I love it. My niece is also struggling so I would love to send her one. I love you Lexi and I love how you encourage us and yourself through yours and our mental problems


i love u so much lexi and i am so proud of you for everything u have overcome, keep doing what u are doing bc u have helped so many (including me) bc i also have some of the same diseases and seeing u power through and being strong has helped me do that too 😊 i hope u know that u make so many people’s days when you upload your videos and u are making a real difference. thank u so much for everything and love u lexi! ❤❤❤


Lexi you have the best energy


Am I the only one who is absolutely obsessed with her hair in this video? I love you so much lexi!


Lexi has been one of my fav YouTubers and I love her so much I watched her when i was os young and she had her pink pink hair and she’s so amazing and I just wait to see her post and love just watching her she is an amazing role model and YouTube wouldn’t be the same without her!


Finally an honest review about prime! Thankyou


Love you Lexi!! I expected the perfume to be disgusting, but it turns out it wasn’t! 🤣❤️ Also, the paint looks awesome on you!


I love hugz to be honest I been struggling by mental health and successfully made it through some hard period in my life and I have to say hugz were a big support ❤️the fact I love them when they are warm it's so cozy


@9:45  the way he looks at her😭


Lexi you are SO right about prime IT IS HAS DISGUSTING TASTE FOR 1 THEN THE STUFF THAT THEY PUT IN IS HORRIBLE!!! SO many people in my class would drink this and...We don't talk about that.


9:24 if you have three bags, you don’t really think you would have an upset stomach for eating that much candy 😂😂


Hey lexi, I was the one that did a video and you replied! Lysm! I'm gonna get the Hug plushes one day! ❤❤😊


Lexi always makes me smile ❤


You should make one of the weighted stuff animals have a certain scent. Things like lavender make me feel so much better when I’m stressed or in a bad mood or just need to relax.


If you ate three bags of joyrides duh your not going to feel good


Hi Lexi! I love your videos so much!  You always warm my heart and your give hugs program is awesome and the plushies are adorable!😊❤