I am not surprised in the slightest that Luna Lovegood married his grandson, she and Newt are so alike in personality.
I love that this is the time we see him truly happy and confident He didn't slouch and he's looking Jacob in the eyes
You know what I love about Newt? He’s not an “Animals good Humans bad” type of Animal lover he just connects with them better but still cares and sympathizes with other Humans all the same.
Pretty sure this is what Hagrid would have ended up doing if he finished his studies at Hogwarts.
I really wish the Fantastic Beast series went more in this direction. I don't care about Grindlewald, give me more Newt acting like a magical Steve Irwin!
Newt feels so comfortable with his creatures. That's why he's so much more sociable and happy when he's with them.
Newt was too pure for this world
3:29 I’m crying at the way he said ‘it’s alright mums here’
Why Newt is my favorite Harry Potter character: He is the wizard equivalent of an animal rescuer.
This guy has an impeccable dress sense and a brief case that's bigger on the inside... He's no wizard, he's a time lord!!
3:15 "They are not gonna bully you" Honestly, Pickett is ME CAN I HAVE PICKETT
This! This right here could have been the whole movie and I would have been enraptured.
Y'all don't understand: For Potterheads, after years of no more films, to be reintroduced to the world of Magic in this way was truly dazzling in the theaters. Our jaws dropped and we all smiled at the same time.
It was so surprised that there’re literally so many creatures in Newt’s briefcase.
Jacob later: “I wanna be a wizard!” Me: “don’t we all, Jacob?”
If Arizona has creatures like that it would actually be worth visiting
Newt just brings a whole other meaning to “living out of your suitcase” 💀
I could literally not care less about grindlewald, i just want to see newt going around, having his funky adventures with the creatures and being himself
1:18 is the most gorgeous bit of music in the film, James Newton-Howard absolutely nailed it